Spain: Partial modification of social security contributions order for 2023
Spain Labor and Employment Law Alert
The new order updates the lower limit for the social security contribution base in each regime in relation to the minimum wage approved for 2023.
Order PCM/313/2023 of March 30, 2023, amending Order PCM/74/2023 of January 30, 2023, implementing the statutory provisions on social security, unemployment, business income protection, wage guarantee fund and occupational training contributions for 2023 has been published in the Official State Gazette.
The upper and lower limits for contribution bases for fiscal year 2023 have been set as follows:
- The upper limit remains unchanged at €4,495.50 per month.
- The lower limit amounts to the minimum wage currently in force, increased by the prorated amount of any amounts received by the worker in respect of periods of more than one month, and may not be less than €1,260 per month.
In particular, the maximum and minimum contribution bases for nonoccupational contingencies under the general regime for each professional category are as follows:
The order is effective from January 1, 2023 and any contribution differences that may arise have to be paid over as determined in transitional provision one of the Contribution order for 2023.