

Publications - Banking and Finance

  • Anti-Crisis Shield - key changes related to the financial market

    On 26 March 2020, the Parliament received a governmental bill amending the Act on special arrangements for preventing, counter-acting and combating COVID-19, other infectious diseases and crisis situations caused by them and certain other laws (…

  • COVID-19: Polish anti-crisis shield

    During the press conference, the President of Poland and the Prime Minister, following the meeting of the Cabinet Council, announced an outline of package of support actions for the society and entrepreneurs referred to as “Anti-crisis Shield…

  • NBP and RPP actions related to the worsening situation of Polish enterprises

    The National Bank of Poland (NBP) and the Monetary Policy Council (MPC) reacted to the worsening situation of enterprises, the risk of loss of liquidity and the emergence of extraordinary needs of the state budget in connection with the epidemic.

  • The outcome of the IRPH litigation against Spanish banks could have European-wide consequences

    On September 10, the Advocate General (AG) issued his opinion on a preliminary ruling to be rendered by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) regarding a lawsuit in Spain over the validity, under the European directive on unfair terms in…

  • Libra: the legal and regulatory aspects will be decisive for the new currency

    The Libra Association, founded by Facebook and 27 other organizations, intends to promote the construction of a global financial infrastructure and issue from it a new cryptocurrency called Libra, enabling operators to carry out payment transactions…

  • These are Spain's measures to prepare for a no-deal Brexit in the fields of employment, judicial cooperation, financial services and customs

    The Spanish government has adopted a range of contingency measures to prepare for the event of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union without an agreement on March 30, 2019. They are temporary measures approved through Royal Decree-Law 5/2019…

  • Brexit: A tale of two (financial) Cities. Madrid’s bid to replace The City

    The Brexit referendum was preceded by verbal clashes with neither camp being meticulous about spelling out the truth. With the result in, the practical consequences remain unclear and the ground is ripe for more half-truths and wild bets.

  • The potential impact of Brexit from a financial and regulatory standpoint

    The single market in financial services has been at the core of the United Kingdom (UK) and European Union (EU) financial services industry for many years. The news that the UK will leave the EU will no doubt have an impact on the financial players…

  • Commentary Polska - Banking & Finance 1-2013

    Change of the interpretation of the deadline for reporting of the derivative trades executed after EMIR commencement date

  • Garrigues Polska 4-2013

  • Garrigues Polska 3-2013


    We are pleased to deliver Newsletter of the Warsaw Office of Garrigues, where topics relevant for the business activity are discussed. We present and discuss planned and introduced changes in the law and practice of law enforcement and…