


  • Poland: Changes in corporate income tax (CIT) for 2021

    The Finance Ministry has published a bill of amendment to the laws governing corporate income tax (bill of September 15, 2020). The bill states that corporate income tax will start being levied on limited partnerships, and places new obligations on…

  • COVID-19: Procedural and court deadlines cease to be suspended

    On May 16, 2020 a new anti-crisis shield 3.0. entered into force. One of the most important amendments introduced by the shield is unsuspension of the procedural and court deadlines.

  • Shield 4.0 as the last part of the economic protection system during a pandemic

    On May 20, 2020, the Polish government adopted the fourth and final package of anti-crisis solutions known as "Shield 4.0".

  • The Financial Shield of the Polish Development Fund (PFR) for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises is already operational

    The Financial Shield of the Polish Development Fund (PFR) is a solution aimed at supporting enterprises that have suffered losses as a result of the coronavirus epidemic.

  • Anticrisis Shield 2.0 and the public procurement

    On 17 April 2020, new amendments to the Act on special arrangements for preventing, counter-acting and combating COVID-19 introducing the solutions of the Anti-Crisis Shield were published. What solutions were proposed for the area of public…

  • Anticrisis Shield 2.0 – Solutions in the labor law area

    The Parliament adopted amendments to the Act on special arrangements for the prevention and combating of COVID-19, other infectious diseases and the resulting emergencies and other acts. The so-called "Anti-Crisis Shield 2.0" was signed by…

  • The Financial Shield of the Polish Development Fund

    The Financial Shield of the Polish Development Fund is a solution aimed at supporting enterprises which have suffered losses as a result of the coronavirus epidemic.

  • The Polish Act on counteracting COVID-19 entered into force

    On 31 March, 2020 an amendment to the Act on specific solutions related to the preventing, counteracting and combating COVID-19, other infectious diseases and crisis situations caused by them, together with other acts (the “Act”) entered…

  • Polish Government’s tax response to fight COVID-19 pandemic

    The special “protective shield” act implemented by the Polish Parliament, which came into force on April 1st, offers a wide range of possible measures provided as countermeasures to the COVID-19 epidemic. 

  • Anti-Crisis Shield - key changes related to the financial market

    On 26 March 2020, the Parliament received a governmental bill amending the Act on special arrangements for preventing, counter-acting and combating COVID-19, other infectious diseases and crisis situations caused by them and certain other laws (…

  • Anti-Crisis Shield - key changes related to the area of public procurement

    Today Poland’s parliament works on the governmental project of amendments to the Act on special arrangements for preventing, counter-acting and combating COVID-19 aiming to introduce the solutions of the Anti-crisis Shield. What solutions it…

  • COVID-19: Planned changes in Poland legislation - corporate and commercial matters

    The Polish government has presented to the lower chamber of the parliament a bill containing a series of legislative solutions intended to complement and extend the provisions of the current “crisis shield” in reaction to the COVID-19…