


  • New regulations on yacht charters in the Balearic Islands

    Decree 21/2017, of May 5, 2017, on the activity of chartering recreational craft and vessels in the Balearic Islands has been published. 

  • To link or not to link, that is the question

    The CJEU rules that providing links to content for financial gain without the author’s consent constitutes copyright infringement

  • Brexit in legal check?

    June 23, 2016 is a date that will go down in history for the UK as the day British citizens voted for a different future separate from the rest of the EU Member States. If Brexit goes ahead, it will mean that the treaties, regulations and directives…

  • Brexit and shipping in Spain

    It is not easy to determine the potential effects of Brexit since it is not even clear, at the present time, whether it will finally go ahead. Moreover, if it does, it will not be imminent and will depend on the agreement reached with the EU.

  • Spanish Costa Concordia Victims awarded moral damages

    The Spanish Supreme Court has recently confirmed the indemnity award granted to each of the 22 Spanish passengers (grouped in a Victim Association) as damages for the claims filed against ship-owners Costa Crociere with regard to the capsizing of…

  • Business of Fashion Law Newsletter – October / November / December 2015

    The Newsletter of the “Business of Fashion Law” advisory team for October / December 2015. Focusing on legal advisory services to the fashion, design and luxury industries, the Newsletter was drawn up by an international…

  • Spanish court revisits Institute Cargo Clauses on inadequate packing

    Inadequate packaging, packing or storage into containers is one of the most frequent causes of cargo loss or damage. Insurers are well aware of these risks and normally rely on the Institute Cargo Clauses incorporated into insurance policies to…

  • Recent tax reforms in Spain: Time to review your structure?

    Recent months have seen a flurry of activity by the Spanish government in the tax area. On the one hand, as we have been pointing out in earlier articles, various tax laws are being amended; on the other, Spain is renegotiating, one by one, the…

  • The spanish financial goodwill on the acquisition of foreign companies as state aid (again?)

    On July 17, 2013, the EU Commission announced the commencement of a new state aid investigation procedure concerning the amortization of the financial goodwill regulated in article 12 (5) of the Spanish Corporate Income Tax Law (the “CIT Law”). This…

  • Spain: Does the sun attract unforeseen tax consequences? New obstacles to tax-neutral insurance portability within the EU

    It is a well-known fact that thousands of European citizens -British, German, Danish, Swedish, among others- choose Spain as their retirement destination, attracted by our weather and the quality of our medical services, after a long working life…

  • SOCIMI: A true Spanish REIT!

    Spain launched a very particular type of REIT in 2009, the SOCIMI (“Sociedades Cotizadas de Inversión en el Mercado Inmobiliario” or “Listed Corporations for Investment in the Real Estate Market”), with a tax regime that was very different from any…

  • Limitation of liability: a warning from Spain

    In a recent decision, a Spanish court held that a ship owner was not entitled to limit its liability with respect to damages caused to adjacent yachts due to a fire spreading on board his yacht while berthed.