Banking & Finance

  • Garrigues, the firm of choice for financial institutions in Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru

    The firm tops the LACCA/Latin Lawyer ranking of law firms advising the 50 biggest banks in Latin America.
  • The complex structuring of credit transactions with cryptocurrencies in Colombia

    Virtual currencies or cryptocurrencies are not yet regulated in Colombia. This raises myriad questions when studying the possibility of structuring a credit agreement with cryptocurrencies in Colombia. In this article, we discuss the key issues to bear in mind on this subject.
  • Peru encourages the entry of new participants in the local financial system

    The recent amendment to the law governing the financial system in Peru includes key measures that promote the participation of new entities in the sector. In this way, it promotes the diversification of the supply of local financial services, particularly those that provide alternatives to the traditional model, such as digital banking.
  • Garrigues, the only law firm in Spain to lead all the corporate law service lines in the IFLR1000

    The prestigious directory highlights 49 of the firm’s professionals as leading lawyers.
  • Chilean IRS (Servicio de Impuestos Internos) issued new instructions to implement the registration under the Registry of Foreign or International Financial Institutions

    On August 13, 2021 the Chilean IRS (Servicio de Impuestos Internos) issued Exempt Resolution No. 95 (Resolución Exenta No. 95), establishing the instructions to implement the registration under the new voluntary Registry of Foreign or International Financial Institutions as well as establishing the format by which a lender must provide the Borrower a statement confirming that it has not entered into a structured agreement (acuerdo estructurado) in accordance with Article 59 N°1 (b) of the Chilean income tax law (Ley de impuesto a la renta).
  • Garrigues receives four awards in Latin America, including the Team of the Year for the Andean States in banking and finance law

    Garrigues was named the Team of the Year for the Andean States in banking and finance law by the International Financial Law Review (IFLR), which each year selects the best deals carried out in the Americas. In choosing the winners, the IFLR Editorial Committee takes into account the cross-border element, as well as innovation and the valuation of the companies involved.
  • Shield 4.0 as the last part of the economic protection system during a pandemic

    On May 20, 2020, the Polish government adopted the fourth and final package of anti-crisis solutions known as "Shield 4.0".
  • The Financial Shield of the Polish Development Fund (PFR) for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises is already operational

    The Financial Shield of the Polish Development Fund (PFR) is a solution aimed at supporting enterprises that have suffered losses as a result of the coronavirus epidemic.
  • The Financial Shield of the Polish Development Fund

    The Financial Shield of the Polish Development Fund is a solution aimed at supporting enterprises which have suffered losses as a result of the coronavirus epidemic.
  • The Polish Act on counteracting COVID-19 entered into force

    On 31 March, 2020 an amendment to the Act on specific solutions related to the preventing, counteracting and combating COVID-19, other infectious diseases and crisis situations caused by them, together with other acts (the “Act”) entered into force.