+34 91 514 52 00
Registered lawyer nº 82808
I. Colegio de la Abogacía de Madrid
Antonio Muñoz Vico is a partner in the Intellectual Property Department working in the areas of Media & Entertainment. He has extensive experience in the fields of copyright and arts and entertainment, advertising, honor, privacy and publicity rights, the right to information, freedom of expression and literary and artistic creation, among others. He provides recurring advice to individuals and legal businesses in the culture and digital sectors (e.g., Web3, Artificial Intelligence) and has a great deal of expertise in the media, publishing, art and music industries, including advice related to copyright management organisations (CMOs) and independent management entities (IMEs).
Antonio Muñoz Vico joined the firm in 2007. Before joining Garrigues, he worked as a stagiaire at the Directorate-General for Justice, Freedom and Security of the European Commission in Brussels.
Academic background
Degree in Law, Universidad de Granada; IP studies at the London School of Economics; Master’s Degree in Business Law, Centro de Estudios Garrigues in collaboration with Harvard Law School. Diploma in Web3, Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing by RCC at Harvard University.
Teaching activity
He teaches various postgraduate courses at prestigious universities: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad Complutense, Universidad Carlos III or the Madrid Cinema Institute, inter alia, and is a regular speaker at well-known professional forums such as Academia del Cine, LÍBER, BIMEPro, or Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA).
- Ilustre Colegio de la Abogacía de Madrid: Chairman of the Culture & Law Division.
- Spanish branch of ALAI (Association Littéraire et Artistique International) (ALADDA).
- Miembro del Consejo Consultivo del Comité Académico Editorial de Berg Institute.
- Árbitro en la Corte Iberoamericana de las Industrias Culturales (CIAMIC).
- Asociación Española de Derecho del Entretenimiento (DENAE).
- Asociación de Derecho del Arte (ADA).
- Asociación para el Estudio y la Enseñanza del Derecho de Autor (ASEDA).
Antonio Muñoz Vico is chairman of the Culture & Law Division of the Madrid Bar Association and has been praised by the international rankings Chambers & Partners, Legal 500, IP Stars, Media Law International and Best Lawyers. Before joining Garrigues, he worked as a stagiaire at the Directorate-General for Justice, Freedom and Security of the European Commission in Brussels.
Antonio is co-author of the book “The Copyright in Question” (*) and author of numerous articles and publications including: “Antonio de Nebrija: the privilege of a single man" (El País, 2022); “ "Hollywood in Europe" (El País, 2021)(*); “Brexit and copyright in Europe" (El País, 2021)(*); "Raising the clapper-board: Spain tunes up its audiovisual industry after Covid-19 impact" (El País | Cinco Días, 2020) (*); "Music and copyright in pandemic times" (Magazine Garrigues Sports & Entertainment, 2020)(*); "Barbarians of Culture" (translation of Imperfect Justice, by Stuart Eizenstat) (Berg Institute, 2019) (*); “Balloons over the Atlantic or how to defend Europe in an era of post truth” (CEDRO, 2018) (*); “Culture at the center of the legal debate: why a Culture & Law Division at the Madrid Bar Association?” (*) (Law and Trends, 2018); “VCAST v RTI: towards private copying in the cloud?” (*) (Pe.i. Revista de Propiedad Intelectual, 2018); “Digital copyright takes off in Europe” (Lefevre · El Derecho, 2017); “Copyright in the cultural industry” (*) (Expansión, 2017); “Salvador Dali's Legacy: Deprived of Image Rights?” (Best Lawyers, 2017); “Praise and Criticism of the Collective Management of Copyrights: A Spanish and European Look” (International Journal of Intellectual Property Management, 2015); “Books and their legal framework: present and future” (*) (Laboratorio del Libro, 2015); “Ramírez de Lucas: disclosure of an unpublished work” (*) (El País, 2014); and “The right to honor, privacy and publicity in danger” (*) (Revista del Consejo General de la Abogacía, 2010).
(*) Originally written in Spanish. See Spanish version of CV for original titles.