+34 91 514 52 00
Registered lawyer nº 65433
I. Colegio de la Abogacía de Madrid
José Miguel Pinillos is a partner in the Corporate/Commercial Law Department. He has extensive experience in advising clients in the area of banking and financial law and participates in all kinds of acquisition financing, corporate financing and refinancing transactions. He also has a wealth of experience in project finance deals of highly diverse types and in particular in infrastructure projects in Spain and Latin America. In addition, José Miguel has been regularly advising clients in the different areas of commercial law, including corporate law issues and sales and purchases of companies and businesses, all while maintaining his area of expertise in the financial sector, having served as the secretary of numerous companies, including listed companies. All of the above allows him to have an all-encompassing view of the different areas of corporate/commercial law. He has been recognized by Chambers & Partners, IFLR, Best Lawyers and other legal rankings and directories in the areas of banking and finance and project finance.
José Miguel has been a partner of Corporate/Commercial Law Department of Garrigues since 2010, and joined the firm in 1998. José Miguel has a wealth of experience in advising clients in the area of banking and financial law, and participates in all kinds of financing, refinancing and restructuring transactions, as well as project finance transactions in myriad areas, particularly in the area of real estate and infrastructure of all kinds, acting as an adviser to both lenders and borrowers.
In his professional practice, he has participated in highly complex transactions, including most notably the following:
- Advice to a company on sustainable corporate financing for FCC Aqualia, S.A.
- Advice to finance providers on the sustainable financing granted to the company Restaurants Brands Iberia, S.L.
- Advice to Incus Capital on financing for Aedas Homes
- Advice to the Armas Group on financial debt restructuring
- Advice to Red Eléctrica Corporación, S.A. on the sale of 49% of the capital of Red Eléctrica Infraestructuras de Telecomunicaciones, S.A.
- Advice to the Itinere Group on the refinancing of its corporate debt
- Advice to the finance providers of the concession-holder company of the Toledo New University Hospital
- Advice to the finance providers of the concession-holder companies of the Barcelona Metropolitan Light Rail
- Advice to Meridiam Infraestructure Fund on the acquisition of a majority holding in the capital of AUSOL
In addition, José Miguel has provided advisory services in different areas of corporate law to numerous relevant companies such as Iberdrola Generación España, S.A., Imagina Media Audiovisual, S.L., MS Management Solutions, S.L., Amper, S.A. (in which he served as non-director secretary of the Board of Directors), and Barceló Corporación Empresarial, S.L.
Academic background
Degree in Law from Universidad San Pablo CEU.
Advanced Associate’s Degree from Universidad San Pablo CEU.
Teaching activity
José Miguel has been a lecturer both in the Master’s Degree organized by Escuela de Práctica Jurídica at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and in the Master’s Degree in Public Procurement Law at Universidad de Barcelona.
Member of the Madrid Bar Association since 1998. Member number 65433.
José Miguel has been recognized by Chambers&Partners in Band 3 in the Banking&Finance area and in Band 2 in the Project Finance area, with the following observations: "José Miguel Pinillos offers in-depth expertise across a wide array of banking and finance mandates ranging from acquisition and project financings to debt restructurings and refinancings.” Sources highlight José Miguel Pinillos's "excellent negotiation skills," adding that "he is always on top of small details which may be really important for a successful deal.” In addition, IFLR has recognized him as an expert consultant in the area of Banking, and Legal 500 also regards him as a Key Lawyer in both the Banking&Finance and Projects and Energy areas.
Publications of various articles in financial media outlets such as Cinco Días and Expansión.