Garrigues Mexico: Socially Responsible Enterprise for the sixth consecutive year

The Garrigues office in México has, for the sixth consecutive year, received the Empresa Socialmente Responsable (ESR® 2021) award granted by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía or Cemefi) and the Alliance for Corporate Social Responsibility (Alianza por la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial or AliaRSE) to enterprises that comply satisfactorily with the standards established in the areas of corporate social responsibility.
The ESR® Award is obtained through a diagnostic process based on indicators reviewed and endorsed annually by a committee of experts in the various CSR areas, supported with documentary evidence, an assessment differentiated by company size and by maturity levels, and an external verification process. As stated by the organization, “it is an exercise in trust, honesty and transparency”.
This is an extremely prestigious award in the Mexican business world, granted each year to a select group of enterprises in recognition of “the effort to make a voluntary and public commitment to implementing socially responsible management and ongoing improvement as part of the business culture and strategy”.