• Garrigues Mexico: Socially Responsible Enterprise for the sixth consecutive year

    ​​​​​​​The Garrigues office in México has, for the sixth consecutive year, received the Empresa Socialmente Responsable (ESR® 2021) award granted by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía or Cemefi) and the Alliance for Corporate Social Responsibility (Alianza por la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial or AliaRSE) to enterprises that comply satisfactorily with the standards established in the areas of corporate social responsibility.
  • Garrigues, chosen by Comunidad #PorElClima for its commitment to sustainability

    ‘Becoming Net Zero’, Garrigues’ initiative for energy efficiency and sustainability, has been chosen by Comunidad #PorElClima to form part of the 101 examples of actions implemented by businesses to combat the climate emergency. Comunidad #PorElClima is a multi-stakeholder alliance focused on implementing the Paris Agreement in Spain and recognizing the commitment and ambition by Spanish companies to bring about climate change. In this, the third edition, 62 large companies and 39 small and medium-sized companies from over 20 different business sectors have been chosen. Garrigues is the only law firm singled out in the legal sector.