
Garrigues named Peru Most Innovative Law Firm of the Year at the IFLR Americas Awards

Garrigues took a second award last night in New York for Capital Markets Firm of the Year in the Andes

Los socios Ramón Trenor and Oscar Arrús, partners of Garrigues.

Garrigues scooped both Peru Most Innovative Law Firm of the Year and Capital Markets Firm of the Year in the Andes at the Americas Awards organized by International Financial Law Review (IFLR). The awards ceremony, held last night in New York, recognized the advice provided by firms in the region that participated in the most innovative cross-border transactions and that have demonstrated their knowledge and expertise in strategic areas, such as M&A or banking and finance.

IFLR valued the economic and social importance of the deals led by Garrigues, as well as the innovation shown in approaching and executing the deals. Oscar Arrús, a partner of the corporate and financial law practice in Peru reiterated this idea, indicating that the award “reflects our constant efforts to be part of the most significant and innovative deals on the market.” Some of the most notable deals included the international bond issue by Hunt Oil Company of Peru, the financing of the acquisition of Quicorp by InRetail, the Marcona and Tres Hermanas wind farm projects, and the acquisition of Fino and ADM Sao by Alicorp.

The publication also took into account Garrigues’ presence in Latin America, with own offices and local teams in Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Chile, in addition to Peru. This year, Garrigues’ regional strategy has earned two major awards: Law Firm of the Year: Andes (Latin Finance) and Best infrastructure firm in Latin America (IJ Global).

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