


Long careers’ early retirement

It was published in the Official Gazette the Decree-Law no. 126-B/2017, of 6 October, which introduces changes to the Portuguese legal framework retirement of beneficiaries of the Social Security general system as well as the civil servants social protection scheme, namely regarding early retirements for beneficiaries with long careers.

On these matters, the following aspects are to be highlighted:
1. Beneficiaries of Social Security general system
1.1. Non application of retirement pension’s cuts
The pension’s cuts set forth by Portuguese social security law (“fator de sustentabilidade” and “fator de redução”) to retirement pensions of Social Security general system will not be applicable to beneficiaries with at least 60 years old that:
a) Have, at least, 48 years of contributions;
b) Have, at least, 46 years of contributions and had started to contribute to Social Security general system or to the civil servants’ social protection scheme with 14 years old, or younger.
1.2. Relevance of contributions to other social protection schemes
The beneficiary contribution periods to other social protection schemes are relevant for:
a) Observance of minimum contribution periods necessary to have access to retirement pension;
b) Access to early retirement pension or subsidized pension; 
c) Access to early retirement in case of long term unemployment;
d) Calculation of pension’s cuts or increases;
e) Calculation of pension’s value.
2. Beneficiaries of the civil servants social protection scheme (“proteção social convergente”)
2.1. Long career retirement
Beneficiaries of civil servants social protection scheme may retire, with no necessity of a medical committee’s decision and without prejudice of joint pension situations, with, at least, 60 years old provided that:
a) Have, at least, 48 years of service;
b) Have, at least, 46 years of service and registration in “Caixa Geral de Aposentações” or in Social Security with 14 years old, or younger.
The retirement pensions conceded under these circumstances will not be subject to cuts (“fator de sustentabilidade” and “fator de redução”).
2.2. Relevance of contributions to other social protection schemes
The beneficiary contribution periods to other social protection schemes are relevant for:
a) Observance of minimum contribution periods necessary to have access to retirement pension;
b) Access to retirement; 
c) Calculation of pension’s increases;
d) Calculation of minimum pension.
3. Effects
These legal changes take effects as of October 1st, onwards.