Normal age of access to old-age pension in 2020
Labor Portugal Alert
Ordinance no. 50/2019, of February 8, was published today in the Official Gazette, foreseeing the age to accede the regular retirement pension in the Portuguese general social security system for 2020.
This update was published in compliance with Decree-Law no. 187/2007, of October 10, which determined the gradual update of the regular age to access the retirement pension in the Social Security general system, considering the average life expectancy at 65 years old, between the second and third year prior to the attribution of the pension.
Age of access to the regular old-age pension
The age to accede the regular retirement pension in the Portuguese general social security system for 2020, in accordance with the provisions of Decree-Law no. 187/2007, of May 10, is maintained in 66 years and 5 months.
Sustainable Factor
This Ordinance also updates the sustainable factor of 0,8533 to be applicable when calculating old-age pensions, at the time of their attribution or conversion.
Repeal rule
This regime repeals the Ordinance no. 99/2017, of March 7, and Article 2 of Ordinance no. 25/2018, of January 18.
Production of effects
These rules are considered effective as from January 1, 2019.