Spain: The update of the National Air Pollution Control Programme 2023-2030 is approved
The document, which affects various economic sectors, sets a series of emission reduction targets for 2030.
The Council of Ministers approved, on 9 January, the update of the National Air Pollution Control Programme 2023-2030, which contains a set of measures aimed at fulfilling the commitments arising from the National Emission Ceilings Directive for 2030.
The planned measures affect the sectors of the energy mix, transport, industry, energy efficiency in the manufacturing industry and in the residential and commercial sectors, waste generation and management, agriculture and livestock.
The emission reduction targets for 2030 are 88% for sulphur dioxide, 62% for nitrogen oxide, 39% for non-methane volatile organic compounds, 16% for ammonia and 50% for fine particles. It is expected that the measures will allow meeting all these targets by 2030, except for non-methane volatile organic compounds, which would be 1% short.