

Publications - Dispute Resolution: Litigation and Arbitration

  • International Arbitration Newsletter - September 2019

  • The outcome of the IRPH litigation against Spanish banks could have European-wide consequences

    On September 10, the Advocate General (AG) issued his opinion on a preliminary ruling to be rendered by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) regarding a lawsuit in Spain over the validity, under the European directive on unfair terms in…

  • International Arbitration Newsletter - July 2019

  • International Arbitration Newsletter - May 2019

  • Helms-Burton act: what does it involve and what defense and reaction mechanisms do the European individuals and companies have

    On May 2, 2019, Title III of the Helms-Burton Act came into force, governing the possibility for U.S. citizens affected by the expropriation of properties due to the Cuban revolutionary process to take legal action to claim compensation from the…

  • International Arbitration Newsletter - April 2019

  • International Arbitration Newsletter - March 2019

    As we come to the first anniversary of our internal arbitration newsletter, we are pleased to introduce a new series of articles exploring practical aspects of international arbitration. We begin this month with: 'Why arbitrate?'

  • The ECJ allows Spanish courts to preserve mortgage foreclosure proceedings in the event of early termination of consumer mortgage loans

    A judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) confirms the possibility of replacing an unfair early termination clause in a loan agreement by the application of article 693.2 of the Spanish Civil Procedure Rules (LEC), declaring…

  • International Arbitration Newsletter - February 2019

    In this month's newsletter, we take a look at how artificial intelligence tools can assist in international arbitration with predicting behaviors, analyzing information or gauging the outcome of a dispute. We also round up in this issue all the…

  • International Arbitration Newsletter - January 2019

  • International Arbitration Newsletter - December 2018

  • International Arbitration Newsletter - November 2018