

Publications - Administrative and Constitutional Law

  • The Energy Regulatory Commission has declared the resumption of all deadlines and legal terms

    The Energy Regulatory Commission published this Monday in the Federal Official Gazette the "Agreement by which all deadlines and legal terms that were suspended as a measure to prevent and combat the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 by means of…

  • New regulation on hotels in Andalucía: changes are coming to the classification system and ‘Grand Luxe’ establishments, among others

    Andalucía has introduced a new legal regime for tourist accommodation in order to boost a sector  that has suffered from the consequences of the pandemic Among the measures adopted, it is worth to highlight  the new classification system;…

  • COVID-19 Special Newsletter - Spain | June 15 to June 30

    Garrigues has been publishing this newsletter since March 23 in an effort to bring you all the regulatory matters that week in week out required particular attention by companies in every area of business law. Since the state of emergency is about…

  • COVID-19 Special Newsletter - Spain | June 1 to June 14

    Preparation of financial statements and corporate income tax, recommencement of time periods, remote trials, gradual return to workplaces, insolvency proceedings and compliance with criminal law

  • Mexico: Communication applications used to provide medical services must respect data protection

    Given the current situation with the global pandemic of COVID-19, the number of health professionals who offer their services through different types of applications and remote means of communication has increased, which could involve the collection…

  • The Mexican Ministry of Energy publishes a new public policy that changes the rules of the game for wind and photovoltaic power plants

    On May 15, the Ministry of Energy of Mexico (SENER) published in the evening edition of the Official Gazette of the Federation an executive order issuing the new Policy towards the Reliability, Safety, Continuity and Quality of the National Electric…

  • COVID-19 Special Newsletter - Spain | May 18 and May 31

    New guarantee facility, extension of ERTE temporary layoff procedures, effects of the crisis on transfer pricing, return to judicial activity and ‘shields’ for businesses.

  • COVID-19: Possible legal actions regarding the measures set forth by ruling of the National Center for Energy Control due to the health contingency

    Under the argument that the Covid19 outbreak has resulted in the reduction of electric energy consumption by end users in Mexico and, therefore, the reliability of power supply should be strengthened, the National Center for Energy Control (CENACE)…

  • COVID-19 Special Newsletter - Spain | Week between May 11 and May 17

    Phase 1 of the ‘scaling-down’ process, third tranche of guarantees, extension of ERTE temporary layoffs, potential delay in the application of VAT directives and of DAC6, and measures to support the cultural sector

  • COVID-19: The National Centre for Energy Control has ordered certain measures to ensure efficiency and continuity of the National Electric System

    Based on the argument that the pandemic has cause a reduction of electricity consumption by end users and thus additional measures have to be taken in order to guarantee the efficiency, quality, reliability, continuity and safety of the National…

  • COVID-19: Recommencement of public sector procurement procedures conducted electronically

    Royal Decree-Law 17/2020, of May 5, 2020, approving measures to support the cultural sector and tax measures to confront the social and economic impact of COVID-19, contains important new provisions on public procurement along with aid and subsidies…

  • COVID-19 Special Newsletter - Spain | Week between May 4 and May 10

    Reopening to the public of establishments, effects of RDL 16/2020 on procedural, insolvency and tax matters, labor measures in preparation for de-escalation and news on administrative procedures