

Publications - Administrative and Constitutional Law

  • Chile: Political parties agree to set in motion a constitutional reform process

    Practically all the Chilean political parties with parliamentary representation approved a decision, on November 15, to set in motion a process for granting a new political constitution, which will replace the current 1980 constitution.

  • Peru dictates measures to reactivate nationally paralyzed public works

    The past October 31, the Urgency Decree N° 008-2019 was published, which, with a validity period of 1 year, provided certain measures in order to guarantee the continuity of nationally paralyzed public works. These provisions sought the…

  • Emissions trading: Mexico launches pilot program

    On October 1, 2019, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) published an agreement laying out the preliminary terms for setting up a pilot program for the emissions trading system, to be run at no cost to participants.

  • Mexico regulates technical specifications applicable to safeguard warehouses for the distribution of liquefied petroleum gas

    On August 19th, 2019, the National Agency for Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection of the Hydrocarbons Sector (ASEA), published a Mexican official standard to regulate guard warehouses for the for distribution and retailing of liquefied…

  • Peru passes new Consumer Arbitration System Regulations

    May 30 saw the entry into force of the new Consumer Arbitration System Regulations passed by Supreme Decree No. 103-2019-PCM and published in the Official Journal of Peru on May 29, 2019.

  • Colombia: The period for renewing registration on the Single Bidders Register (RUP) ends next April 5

    All individuals or legal entities that are registered on the Single Bidders Register (“RUP” by its Spanish abbreviation) must renew their registration no later than the fifth business day of April, in accordance with Decree 1082 of 2015.

  • Colombian Superintendence of Industry and Commerce maintains merger control thresholds

    The Colombian Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) issued Resolution 93503 of 2018 which sets the value of operational revenue and/or total domestic assets that shall be taken into consideration when evaluating the need of conducting…

  • A new Chilean bill would punish environmental crimes and promote environmental stewardship

    On January 22, an environmental protection bill came before the Chilean Congress that would set stiffer penalties for environmental crimes and grant the Chilean environmental authority more oversight and prosecution powers.a

  • Amendments to the Government Contracts Law and its implementing regulations entered into force on January 30

    Now that the amendments to the implementing regulations for the Peruvian Government Contracts Law have been published, the countdown starts for the entry into force of the law’s new provisions.

  • The Supreme Court establishes guidelines on when to consider the judicial review jurisdiction exhausted prior to an appeal for protection of constitutional rights

    The appellant defended the possibility of not filing a cassation appeal first because it was unlikely to be granted leave to proceed and the Constitutional Court rejected his position.

  • Peru modernizes its national governance through a simplified Administrative Proceedings Law

    The proposed amendment includes important changes to the systems regarding notification of administrative acts, time barring of administrative disciplinary proceedings, ex officio nullity of acts and validity of enabling instruments, among other…

  • Netflix has revolutionized the entertainment market without a regulatory backlash

    Article by José Miguel de la Calle, partner at Administrative Law of Garrigues in Bogotá ('La República').