

Publications - Labor and Employment

  • Whistleblowing: new obligations for companies in Portugal

    Decree-Law no. 93/2021, which transformed into national law the EU Directive 2019/1937, was published in the Official Gazette, introducing, among other matters, a set of obligations for companies and public entities regarding the protection of…

  • Spain: Publication of job assessment tool for compliance with equality obligations

    The Ministry for Labor and Social Economy has published on its website the job assessment tool which will facilitate compliance with equal pay obligations.

  • Order on 2022 social security contributions has been published

    The order determines the maximum and minimum bases and rates effective as of January 1, 2022. The maximum contribution base amounts to €4,139.40.

  • Spain - Royal Decree-Law 6/2022: the government approves restrictions for layoffs, employment measures for specific sectors and an increase to the guaranteed minimum income

    Royal Decree Law 6/2022, of March 29, 2020, adopting urgent measures under the National Plan in response to the economic and social consequences of the war in Ukraine, published in the Official State Gazette on March 30, has introduced a number of…

  • Legislation adopted on procedure applicable to RED Mechanism for Employment Stability and Flexibility

    A recent royal decree has created the RED Fund, in addition to setting out transitional rules on its funding and the procedure applicable to the RED mechanism, which will allow companies to apply for measures consisting of reduced working hours and…

  • Spain: Validity and ultra-activity of collective bargaining agreements after the reform

    The reform of Article 86 of the Workers' Statute maintains, in substance, the previous regulation and the conceptual confusion that characterizes it (it does not clearly delimit the concepts of validity, extension and ultra-activity). The…

  • Spain: Temporary protection to be given to people affected by conflict in Ukraine will include work and residence authorization

    Two ministerial orders have been approved, increasing the temporary protection and implementing the procedure for recognition of temporary protection for people affected by the conflict in Ukraine.

  • Can an employer be liable for discrimination against a female employee by a third party?

    Post from Garrigues' Labor blog.

  • New piece of legislation on road transport includes measures in the labor field

    It transposes Directive 2020/1057, containing special rules for road transport and, in the field of labor law, amends Law 45/1999 concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of transnational services and the Labor and Social…

  • An equality plan, the best gift to celebrate International Women’s Day

    Post from Garrigues' Labor blog.

  • The new sustainability directive will lay down due diligence obligations for companies

    European Commission publishes proposal for a directive on corporate sustainability due diligence and a communication on decent work worldwide.

  • Time period for paying social security contribution differences under the 2021 Social Security Contribution Order has been extended until June 30, 2022

    The 2021 Social Security Contribution Order (Order PCM/1353/2021) published on December 4, 2021 with effects from September 1, 2021, provided that any differences with respect to contributions made on or after September 1, 2021 could be paid without…