Publications - Labor and Employment
Force majeure temporary layoff in Spain: labor solution before a cyberattack?
A judgment by the National High Court opened up the possibility of applying a temporary layoff file as a company is compromised by a hack and cannot go on with its activity as usual.
Spain: During parental leave, contributions must be paid on a minimum basis
The “Boletín de Noticias Red” publishes the criteria of the Directorate General for Social Security Organisation regarding registration and contribution obligations during the eight-week parental leave.
Colombia: Main recurring legal obligations that companies must comply – First Semester 2024
In Colombia, all companies must comply with certain corporate, tax and labor obligations during the calendar year. In this document we highlight the main obligations of the first semester of 2024.
Annual Salary Bonus approved for bachelors and masters working in Portugal
The Salary Bonus has an annual value of between 697 euro (years for bachelor's degree) and 1,500 euro (years for master's degree) and will be paid to those who have these academic degrees and for the number of years equivalent to the ones needed to…
Spain: The latest amendments on breastfeeding, unemployment and collective agreements are repealed and an increase in the minimum wage to 1,134 euros is announced
Royal Decree-Law 7/2023, which modified the breastfeeding regime, unemployment and the priority application of regional collective agreements, has been repealed as it has not been validated in the Congress of Deputies. At the same time, the increase…
The dismissed workers’ legal representative loses this status as the judgment is being resolved
A judgment handed down by the Labor Chamber of the Supreme Court has declared that the status of workers’ representative cannot be exercised from the time of the disciplinary dismissal until the court ruling is handed down. This does not violate the…
Spain: Publication of the Bill for an organic law on equal representation and a balanced presence of women and men
This proposal transposes into Spanish law the European directive on improving the gender balance among directors of listed companies and related measures, although it is more demanding in its scope than the provisions in the EU act.
2024: main new legislation needing to be considered by companies in Spain
Professionals in the various practice areas at Garrigues take a look, from all angles of business law, at the main new legislation that companies will face in the coming year.
Introduction of important amendments to Work Compensation Funds’ legal framework
The introduced amendments are to convert the Work Compensation Fund (WCF) into a closed accounting fund with new objectives (supporting costs and investment in employees' housing, on their certified training as well as other investments agreed with…
The new "anti-crisis measures" regulation extends the minimum wage for the year 2023, the limitations for certain objective dismissals and includes changes in terms of contributions
Among other measures, the SMI, the partial retirement scheme and the provisions on redundancies resulting from the increase in the cost of energy are extended, the contribution bases are updated and the contribution for paid and unpaid traineeships…
Spain: A new royal decree-law modifies the breastfeeding regime, unemployment and the priority of regional collective bargaining agreements
The regulation modifies the breastfeeding accumulation regime, the unemployment assistance regime and the priority of application of regional collective agreements.
Portugal: Work accident pensions increase by 6% for 2024
The value of pensions for accidents at work is updated annually, in line with the evolution of Portuguese GDP and the CPI in Portugal.