

Publications - Tax

  • The new double taxation agreement between Spain and China has also entered into force in China

    The new double taxation agreement between Spain and China has now also completed the internal legislative procedure in China, and, thus, has entered into force, according to Announcement (2021) No. 16, which was issued by the State Administration of…

  • Tax on Certain Digital Services: the Directorate-General of Taxes clarifies some key aspects of the tax

    Among others, it clarifies that when the tax base must be determined provisionally because the taxpayer does not have all the elements necessary for calculating it definitively, the subsequent regularization will not give rise to surcharges but it…

  • Portuguese Government regulates the 'IVAucher' programme

    Following the approval of the 'IVAucher' program by the State Budget Law for 2021, which aims to support and stimulate the accommodation, culture and restaurant sectors, the Portuguese Government has finally defined, through …

  • Portugal: Reduction from 18% to 16% of the VAT rate in Azores

    The Parliament of the Autonomous Region of Azores approved a generic reduction of 30% of the national personal income tax (PIT), corporate income tax (CIT) and value added tax (VAT) rates through the Regional Legislative Decree no. 15-A/2021/A…

  • COVID-19: The deadline to comply with the obligation to submit the transfer pricing documentation has been postponed

    It has been published in the official website of the Portuguese Tax Authority, the postponement of the deadline to comply with the obligation to prepare and submit the transfer pricing file, to which large taxpayers are subject, under…

  • COVID-19: Postponement of the deadline to submit the Modelo 22 return and others

    The Government approved, through Dispatch n.º 191/2021-XXII, of 15/06, the extension of the deadlines to comply with the following tax obligations.

  • Tax Newsletter - May 2021

  • Spain introduces DAC6 transposition regulations

    Article by Juan Luis Zayas (partner) and Nicolás Cremades (principal associate) in Madrid ('ITR').

  • Surcharges do not have to be imposed where the taxpayer files self-assessments outside the time limit to adapt its conduct to points made by the auditors

    A surcharge has to be imposed for the late filing of self-assessments. For this to apply, however, the self-assessment must be filed spontaneously, in other words not due to a prior request by the authorities. In a new decision, the Central Economic…

  • COVID-19: The VAT exemption applicable to domestic and intra-Community supplies of goods needed to combat the effects of the outbreak was extended from April to December

    The VAT exemption applicable to domestic supplies and intra-Community acquisitions of goods, needed to combat the effects of the COVID-19 disease by the State and other public bodies or by non-profit organizations, was extended from 30 April to 31…

  • Pro-taxpayer DGT resolutions are binding for tax application bodies

    TEAC notes that the tax authorities have to observe the principles provided given in the DGT's resolutions, meaning that any assessments that depart from those principles are null and void, without any need to examine the facts of the case.

  • Tax Newsletter - April 2021