

Publications - Tax

  • Portugal: New measures of flexibilization of tax obligations compliance

    New measures to facilitate tax obligations compliance were approved through Decree-Law no. 85/2022, of December 21.

  • Summary of the tax measures in the General State Budget Law for 2023

    Among others, a new bracket has been created for personal income tax on savings income, a reduced tax rate has been established for entities with net revenues below €1 million, and limits have been placed on the effective use rule for…

  • Spain - Startups Law: new tax regime for startups defined

    The new law has also added flexibility to the special regime for workers assigned abroad, enhanced the tax treatment of carried interest from the management of private equity entities and set out new rules on the obligation to disclose corporate…

  • Portugal: Communication of invoices and inventories and invoices issued in PDF: extension of deadlines in 2023

    The Government approved, through Dispatch n.º 8/2022-XXIII, of 13 December, from the SEAF, a new flexibility of the tax calendar concerning the compliance in 2023 of certain tax obligations on invoicing, in particular regarding the…

  • Nearshoring: Key issues for companies looking to relocate or expand business in Mexico

    Due to its unique geographic location with respect to the North American, European and Asian markets, as well as its simultaneous integration to global value chains due to international trade and investment treaties such as the USMCA and the CPTPP,…

  • Tax Newsletter - November 2022

  • Tax Newsletter - October 2022

  • The text of the new Solidarity Tax is published and will apply to assets held as of December 31, 2022

    The regulation of the tax is proposed by way of amendments (not yet published in the Spanish parliament) to the Non-government Bill on temporary taxes on the energy and finance industries. The elements of the tax will be determined, in general,…

  • Portugal: Rental support and VAT rate reduction on electricity supply

    In the context of family support measures, Law no. 19/2022, of 10/21, approved a series of fiscal measures.

  • Portugal: Updating on the monetary devaluation indexes for 2022

    The annually update of the monetary devaluation indexes was approved by Ordinance no. 253/2022, of 20 October, regarding the indexes to be applicable to the goods and rights transferred during 2022, whose value should be updated in accordance…

  • Spain: Strengthening of tax measures to boost energy efficiency and transposition of the regulation of reverse hybrid mismatches

    Royal Decree-law 18/2022, of October 18, 2022, published on October 19, 2022, extends by one year the application of personal income tax credits for energy efficiency improvement works on dwellings, and permits unrestricted depreciation/amortization…

  • A request for information may be regarded as the commencement of an audit

    According to the Madrid High Court, if it is shown that the request was directed at determining the taxable amount, the later audit should be considered to have commenced when the request was made, something that will affect the period allowed for…