

Publications - Tax

  • Tax Newsletter - September 2022

  • Top 10 Portugal Budget Takes 2023

    On the 10th of October, the Portuguese Government presented the Budget Bill for 2023 to the Portuguese Parliament. The Bill is now under analysis and will be subject to discussion and submitted to approval in the upcoming weeks. 

  • Spain: Adapting the tax system to challenges facing the green transition

    In the context of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan a range of measures relating to environmental taxes have been approved, notably the creation of a tax on non-reusable plastic packaging and amendment of the tax on…

  • Borrowing costs in respect of loans for distribution of dividends are deductible

    Supreme Court holds that these types of borrowing costs are connected with the business and therefore cannot be classed as a gift.

  • Tax Newsletter - July and August 2022

  • Spain: The reform of the Tax on Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases comes into force

    Law 14/2022 of July 8, 2022, the first final provision of which amends the Tax on Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases (IGFEI), was published in the Official State Gazette on July 9, 2022. In addition, the corresponding implementing regulations were…

  • Colombia: 2022 tax reform bill

    On 8 August 2022, a bill was submitted to the Congress of the Republic for the adoption of a tax reform in Colombia. The new government proposes a set of measures that aim to redistribute wealth by increasing the tax burden on those with the…

  • Portugal: New withholding tax rates applicable in Mainland as from 1 July 2022 were approved

    New PIT withholding tax tables, which are in force for the Mainland in 2022, were approved for employment income paid or made available as from 1 July 2022, by Order no. 8564-A/ 2022, of the Secretary of State for Tax Affairs, rectified by…

  • Portugal: Waiver of the obligation to appoint a tax representative and to adhere to the electronic mailbox by taxpayers that adhere to electronic notifications

    The Government, through Decree-Law n.º 44/2022, of July 8, approved the following measures on the option to apply for electronic communications when interacting with the Tax and Customs Authority (TCA).

  • Exemption for work performed abroad: Directors can apply the exemption for their executive activities

    The Supreme Court has concluded that directors are entitled to the exemption for work performed abroad as part of their executive activities. Also, the courts are placing limits on the documents that the tax authorities are allowed to request from…

  • Tax Newsletter - June 2022

    Exemption for work performed abroad: Directors can apply the exemption for their executive activities

  • Portugal: Postponement of the deadline to pay the VAT and to submit the transfer pricing file

    The Portuguese Government, through Dispatch n.º 135/2022-XXIII, of July 6, clarifies and approves a series of measures, without the application of any additional charges or penalties.