

Publications - Corporate and M&A

  • Decree 415 of 2018 modifies the capital requirements of some financial institutions

    The Colombian government issued Decree 415 of March 2 of 2018 which modifies the capital requirements applicable to trust companies, managers of pension and severance funds, stock brokerage companies, investment management companies and insurance…

  • Project bonds made simpler in Spain

    It’s now easier than ever to finance a project in Spain through a bond issue. The reforms introduced in recent years to the Capital Companies Law and the Securities Market Law, coupled with the approval of the Business Financing Law, have made…

  • The Supreme Court makes an unexpected change to the legal treatment of executive directors’ compensation

    In its judgment of February 26, 2018, the Supreme Court modified the interpretation given by most experts and authorities and by the Directorate-General of Registries and the Notarial Profession in its decision dated June 17, 2016, ratified by the…

  • Countdown to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

    On May 25 2016, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became mandatory, having been published in the Official Journal of the European Union three weeks earlier. The regulation established a term of two years within which members states and…

  • Will the General Data Protection Regulation make business cards a thing of the past?

    It is believed that business cards, such a 20th century phenomenon, were first used in China back in the 15th century and that they had reached Europe by the 17th century. Despite their antiquity, they nevertheless continue to play an important role…

  • Can the stand-in of a board of directors give the power to a third party?

    Ignacio Londoño, partner of Garrigues Colombia ('Asuntos Legales'). CONTENT IN SPANISH

  • Business incubators and accelerators… Which one does your startup need?

    In general, the terms “accelerator” and “incubator” are used synonymously, although they refer to different concepts with distinct purposes and processes. In order to be able to understand how an incubator or accelerator can…

  • New obligations under the proposed act on openness in public life

    The Act on Openness in Public Life, which is currently being prepared, entails many changes that are sure to be important for many enterprises. There are three main areas in which the proposed act will have a direct effect on the operation of…

  • Recent development on amendments of the Drug Administration Law (draft for consultation)

    To deepen the reform of drug evaluation and approval system, encourage innovations in drugs, and safeguard the rights and interests of the public in regard to drug consumption, China Food and Drug Administration (the “CFDA”) has…

  • Royal Decree 2/2018 endows football with the tools to aid in fostering and promoting sports

    The middle of January was marked by the entry into force of Royal Decree 2/2018, of January 12, 2018, implementing the obligation of professional football clubs to aid in developing sports, as envisaged in article 6 of Royal Decree-Law 5/2015, on…

  • Legal Insights On The Chinese Laws - December 2017

    A brief introduction on key PRC laws and regulations recently issued by relevant authorities.

  • Legal Update China Newsletter - December 2017

    A brief on the latest prc laws and regulations issued by the relevant authorities.