Publications - Corporate and M&A
Chilean Congress approves the Fintech Bill
On October 12, 2022, the Chilean Congress approved the Fintech Bill (Fintech Law), which now only needs to be enacted by the president of the Republic to become a law. In this information alert we detail the highlights of this new regulation.
Key differences between traditional M&As and venture capital
Contracts for mergers and acquisitions mainly look to spread the risk between the buyer and seller and to regulate shareholder relations within the company. The same occurs with venture capital, but the differences between traditional and venture…
Create and Grow Law brings in new reporting obligations for combating late payment in commercial transactions
The law requires companies to include in their annual reports and on their corporate websites significant information about invoices and payments to suppliers.
Spain: The reform which reduces the minimum capital required to set up a limited liability company from 3,000 euros to 1 euro has been published
The new legislation, which will come into force twenty days after its publication in the Official State Gazette, amends various aspects of the Capital Companies Law.
Internal control bodies: EBA publishes new guidelines on role and responsibilities of the compliance officer
The goal is to ensure a common understanding and implementation of the requirements by compliance officers to avoid uneven implementation of measures across the European Union.
Money laundering in the NFT market
The non-fungible tokens (NFT) market presents similar money laundering risks to the traditional money laundering model used in the art market.
Anti-Money Laundering Newsletter - July 2022
Main new legislation and news in relation to Anti-Money Laundering and combating Terrorism Financing (AML/TF).
Everything you need to know about the plan to implement new whistleblowing legislation in Portugal
By June 18, 2022, companies (whether public or private) and public entities, especially those employing 50 or more workers, are obliged to implement a whistleblowing channel so that workers, shareholders, members of corporate bodies, service…
Transactional elements to be considered in relation to notifications to the competition authorities in Latin America
In an earlier edition of our Latin American Viewpoints newsletter (see here), we analyzed the main provisions applicable to notification of mergers and acquisitions in Chile, Peru, Colombia and Mexico. In this second part, we examine a…
Royal Decree-Law 6/2022: key measures for the electricity industry and for renewable electricity generation
The main new steps approved by the government for the electricity industry are a revision of the remuneration parameters for 2022, and measures to speed up the application handling procedures for renewable energy projects.
CPK: an ambitious Polish mobility project in the heart of Europe
Poland has plans to build the largest infrastructure project in the EU connecting Europe and Asia and making the country a passenger and cargo hub. This initiative, expected to mobilize over €30,000 billion, presents an opportunity for Spanish…
Future law for due diligence on the environment and human rights takes first steps
The legislation, currently under a public consultation period, will set out an infringements and penalties system for companies that fail to fulfill their duties to respect, protect and promote human and environmental rights and will ensure access…