

Publications - Corporate and M&A

  • Startups and debt (III): Venture debt

    In earlier articles in this series (see here and here) we explained the reasons and setbacks, for founders in particular, of startups’ dependence on equity as the only source of finance, together with the advantages that debt…

  • Startups and debt (II): Advantages of debt, opportunities in the current environment and a look at a few routes

    In the previous article in this series, we explained, in relation to the necessary and very positive contribution that venture capital funds make to the ecosystem, a few setbacks associated with startups’ exclusive dependence on…

  • The Court of Justice of the European Union invalidates the Privacy Shield

    The Privacy Shield is the framework that permitted international data transfers between Europe and the United States; its invalidation will cause chaos in commercial relations between the EU and the US.

  • COVID-19: How the lifting of the state of emergency will affect rules governing commercial companies

    The various pieces of legislation published during the state of emergency, together with the statements by registrars and by the CNMV, have created a new exceptional regime governing numerous aspects of commercial companies. With the end of the…

  • New regulation on hotels in Andalucía: changes are coming to the classification system and ‘Grand Luxe’ establishments, among others

    Andalucía has introduced a new legal regime for tourist accommodation in order to boost a sector  that has suffered from the consequences of the pandemic Among the measures adopted, it is worth to highlight  the new classification system;…

  • COVID-19 Special Newsletter - Spain | June 15 to June 30

    Garrigues has been publishing this newsletter since March 23 in an effort to bring you all the regulatory matters that week in week out required particular attention by companies in every area of business law. Since the state of emergency is about…

  • COVID-19 Special Newsletter - Spain | June 1 to June 14

    Preparation of financial statements and corporate income tax, recommencement of time periods, remote trials, gradual return to workplaces, insolvency proceedings and compliance with criminal law

  • COVID-19: New measures changing the time period for preparation and approval of financial statements and their tax consequences

    Royal Decree-Law 19/2020 states that the three-month time period for preparing financial statements and other documents required by law will start to run from June 1, 2020, and reduces the time period for approving financial statements to two months…

  • Mexico: Communication applications used to provide medical services must respect data protection

    Given the current situation with the global pandemic of COVID-19, the number of health professionals who offer their services through different types of applications and remote means of communication has increased, which could involve the collection…

  • The Mexican Ministry of Energy publishes a new public policy that changes the rules of the game for wind and photovoltaic power plants

    On May 15, the Ministry of Energy of Mexico (SENER) published in the evening edition of the Official Gazette of the Federation an executive order issuing the new Policy towards the Reliability, Safety, Continuity and Quality of the National Electric…

  • COVID-19 Special Newsletter - Spain | May 18 and May 31

    New guarantee facility, extension of ERTE temporary layoff procedures, effects of the crisis on transfer pricing, return to judicial activity and ‘shields’ for businesses.

  • COVID-19: The General Health Council declares construction activities as essential

    The Ministry of Health published in the Federal Official Gazette a resolution implementing the decision of the General Health Council that classifies as “essential” construction related activities. (the “Resolution”).