

Santiago de Chile

  • COP25: A Latin American summit... held in Madrid

    Madrid is currently hosting COP25, the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Yet this climate conference is closely associated with Latin America: Brazil was the original host for the summit, but those plans were…

  • Chile: Political parties agree to set in motion a constitutional reform process

    Practically all the Chilean political parties with parliamentary representation approved a decision, on November 15, to set in motion a process for granting a new political constitution, which will replace the current 1980 constitution.

  • Transfer pricing: here’s what the rules in Latin America look like

    Here is a summary of the transfer pricing rules in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.

  • Chile sets new maximum base for calculating 2019 social security contributions

    As from January 9, 2019, the new maximum monthly base for calculating health, retirement and occupational accident and professional illness social security contributions stands at 79.3 Unidades de Fomento (UF) (US $3,250). The new maximum…

  • A new Chilean bill would punish environmental crimes and promote environmental stewardship

    On January 22, an environmental protection bill came before the Chilean Congress that would set stiffer penalties for environmental crimes and grant the Chilean environmental authority more oversight and prosecution powers.a

  • How is the right to vacation time regulated in Latin America?

    In light of the publication of Legislative Decree 1405 (09.12.18), which reforms the right to vacation time in Peru, we set out below an overview of the main legal provisions regulating the right to vacation time in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Chile…

  • Data protection regulation in Latin America and the impact of the GDPR

    The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is compulsory as from today, is a complex regulation that extends beyond the borders of Europe. The new rules will affect all companies, regardless of their location, that handle data of…

  • Chile: support for the pro-investment agenda and creation of an office to manage sustainability projects

    On May 14, 2018, the Chilean President Sebastián Piñera and the Minister of the Economy José Ramón Valente announced: (i) that a bill would be sent to the Chilean legislature to promote the government’s “Pro-Investment Agenda” (the…

  • Transposition of the European Union Directive on action for damages for infringements of Competition law

    On May 27, 2017, the Official State Gazette (“BOE”) published Royal Decree-Law 9/2017, of May 26, 2017, transposing into Spanish law various European Union directives in the financial, corporate/commercial and health fields, and on the…