Milagros Villavicencio
Senior associate
+51 1 399 2600
Milagros Villavicencio is a Garrigues senior associate. Prior to joining Garrigues she worked as an associate in the Labor Law practice of Estudio Philippi, Prietocarrizosa, Ferrero DU & Uría (2016), at Estudio Delmar Ugarte Abogados (2013-2015) and as an international lawyer assigned to the labor department of Garrigues- Madrid (Madrid, 2019).
She has professional experience in the following fields:
- Preparation of legal reports on labor matters in accordance with Peruvian law, as well as evaluation of specific cases for the issuance of legal opinions.
- Preparation of due diligence reports for financing transactions and business acquisitions.
- Assistance in judicial proceedings involving labor and constitutional matters, by proposing strategies, preparing submissions and acting in court.
- Advice on the implementation of occupational health and safety systems, and resolution of queries in this area.
- Advising on the implementation of compensation planning, labor costs reduction policies and salary planning.
- Advising on termination procedures, both individual and collective.
- Advice on collective matters, such as consultation processes, negotiations and signature of company and industry collective labor agreements.
- Advice on hiring of foreign personnel, from preparation of the employment contract to obtainment of worker immigration status.
- Day-to-day advice to domestic and international companies on labor and employment matters, such as hiring of personnel, payment of welfare benefits, dismissal procedures, among others.
Academic background
- Advanced degree in port sector, Peruvian Port Authority (Lima- Peru, 2011).
- College degree, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Lima - Peru, 2013).
- Lawyer degree, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Lima - Peru, 2014).
- Advanced degree in Statistics for Lawyers, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Lima - Peru, 2015).
- Postgraduate degree in Business Administration and Personnel Management, Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas-UPC (Lima-Peru, 2016).
- Master Degree in "Asesoramiento y Consultoría Jurídico Laboral", Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Madrid-España, 2019)
- Degree in Spain law, UNIR (2020-2021)
- Co-author of the article “Good Faith in Collective Bargaining and Bad Faith as a ground for recourse to arbitration. Exception or rule?” (*), published in Soluciones Laboral, edition 79, July 2014. (*) originally published in Spanish. See Spanish CV for more details.
- Co- author of the labor blog "Mercado Laboral" published on Enfoque Derecho.