Equality Plans: Royal Decree 901/2020 enters into force, imposing new obligations
Spain Labor Alert

Since January 13, 2021, employers have been required to fully comply with the new equality obligations, following the entry into force of Royal Decree 901/2020, on equality plans and their registration. Moreover, measures aimed at reducing the pay gap, as contemplated in Royal Decree 902/2020, on equal pay for women and men, will start to apply from April 14, 2021, six months after its publication in the Official State Gazette.
The entry into force of the new legislation, which we analyzed here, has made the preparation of gender equality plans more complex, because it must be done from a legal and technical perspective, having an impact on all areas of the company: recruitment, career advancement, pay structures, among others. Moreover, the new model for negotiation of both the diagnosis and the gender equality plan itself requires dialog with the workers’ statutory representatives, which must be approached in a strategic way and may lead to disputes in some cases.
In this document we summarize the main new legislation on equality to be taken into account by employers. The Garrigues Labor and Employment Department is on hand to guide companies through the integral management of equality matters and assist them with compliance.