Equal opportunities

  • An equality plan, the best gift to celebrate International Women’s Day

    Post from Garrigues' Labor blog.
  • The Ministry of Equality extends Garrigues’ certification as an Equal Opportunities Employer

    The Ministry of Equality has decided to extend Garrigues’ certification as an Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE), a mark of excellence that acknowledges companies “that notably and significantly excel in the application of equal treatment and equal opportunity policies” through equality measures and plans.
  • Royal Decree on equal pay for women and men takes effect in Spain with three instruments: job evaluations, pay registers and pay audits

    Post from Garrigues' Labor blog.
  • Equality Plans: Royal Decree 901/2020 enters into force, imposing new obligations

    Since January 13, 2021, employers have been required to fully comply with the new equality obligations, following the entry into force of Royal Decree 901/2020, on equality plans and their registration. Moreover, measures aimed at reducing the pay gap, as contemplated in Royal Decree 902/2020, on equal pay for women and men, will start to apply from April 14, 2021, six months after its publication in the Official State Gazette.
  • Garrigues chosen as the best law firm to work for by law students for the sixth year running

    Garrigues has been voted the best law firm to work for by law students participating in the 2019 Most Attractive Employer survey conducted by Universum. This is the sixth year in a row that the firm has been chosen by students.
  • ‘Iberian Lawyer’ includes Mónica Martín de Vidales and Carolina Pina among its “Top 50” women in the legal sector

    The InspiraLAW ranking recognizes the talent of leading female lawyers.
  • Valencian executives and entrepreneurs debate regulation and other matters relating to gender equality

    Female senior executives meet at the Garrigues offices in Valencia to share their experiences
  • Garrigues recognized as an 'Equal Opportunities Employer' by the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality

    Garrigues is one of the 32 entities to achieve this recognition in 2018 and it joins the more than 130 entities noted for their excellence in this area that belong to the #RedDIE network.
  • Three Garrigues partners, in Iberian Lawyer’s ranking of the Top 50 women in the legal sector

    The Garrigues partners Mónica Martín de Vidales, joint head of the Corporate/Commercial Law Department, Rosa Zarza, head of the Labor and Employment Law Department and Susana Pimenta de Sousa, from the Portugal office, feature in Iberian Lawyer’s new ranking of the Top 50 women in the legal industry in Spain and Portugal.
  • The Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equal Opportunity awards Garrigues the distinction of being an ‘Equal Opportunity Company’

    The Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equal Opportunity has awarded Garrigues the distinction of being an Equal Opportunity Company, a brand of excellence that acknowledges companies that stand out “in a relevant and specially significant way in the application of equal opportunity Plan policies”. Garrigues is the only law firm this year to achieve the distinction (published last Saturday in the Official State Gazette), which has been awarded to companies in different sectors since 2010.