Transport and Shipping Newsletter - June 2022
The system of provision of stevedores will be established in the bylaws of the Port Employment Centers ('Centros Portuarios de Empleo')
This is established by a recent reform introduced in the new regulation of the protection of consumers and users from situations of social and economic vulnerability.
New developments for sustainability of road haulage
Drivers are forbidden to engage in loading and unloading of goods and a carriage charge review clause is introduced due to variation in fuel prices.
Preliminary Draft of the Sustainable Mobility Law proposes a new model of mobility and transport
The new regulation treats it as a social right and introduces important new features ranging from the creation of a kind of sandbox for the development of mobility projects to the amendment of the Workers’ Statute to promote sustainable work-related travel.
The reform of the most important Spanish maritime laws continues
The Government has approved, in a first reading and subject to an opinion of the Council of State, the Draft Law amending the Maritime Navigation Law (LNM) and the current Consolidated Law on National Ports and the Merchant Navy (TRLPEMM) which, as is well known, are the two most important pieces of Spanish maritime legislation. The key to the above-mentioned reform, which is following its normal course, can be consulted at this link of the last issue of our newsletter.
Start of the alternative dispute resolution mechanism for the protection of air transport users
Passengers will be able to access a faster and free alternative to resolve possible disputes with airlines.
In what cases can boats allocated to nautical chartering be used privately?
Various pieces of legislation and also rulings of the Directorate General of Taxes clarify the effects of the use by the owner of the boat for private purposes.
The Provincial Court of Palma de Mallorca determines the system of liability of the maritime carrier in the event of accident
The judgment analyzes the case of a ferry in which a fire broke out at sea, destroying the whole cargo.