
  • Public and private sector coordination is essential to achieve the set sustainability targets

    In a new edition of Garrigues Sustainable Dialogs we looked at present and future challenges related to ESG and natural resources in the Madrid region.
  • Whistleblowing channels at companies in Spain: the key aspects of the new law protecting whistleblowers from all angles

    The law protecting whistleblowers in Spain requires companies with 50 or more workers to have an internal whistleblowing system in place and sets out fines of up to €1,000,000. 
  • Portugal: Meal allowance amount increases to € 6.00

    Ordinance no.107-A/2023, of April 18th was published in the Official Gazette (Diário da República), increasing, from € 5.20 to € 6.00, the meal allowance amount for civil servants.
  • The European Parliament approves the proposal for a directive on the pay gap

    The European Parliament approves the proposal for a directive to strengthen the application of the principle of equal pay between men and women with the aim to close the pay gap.
  • Decent Work Agenda in Portugal: Main changes to labor legislation come into force on May 1, 2023

    Law no. 13/2023 of 3 April has been published in the Official Gazette, introducing amendments to the Labor Code, Law no. 105/2009 of 14 September (Labor Code Regulation), Decree-Law no. 66/2011 of 1 June and the Social Security Contributions Code.
  • Four-day workweek: a myth or reality?

    Recently we have been seeing more and more countries launch initiatives to test the possibility of implementing a four-day week. We will take a look at Spain and Portugal and other projects underway in Europe on our Labor and Employment Law Blog.
  • Spain: Partial modification of social security contributions order for 2023

    The new order updates the lower limit for the social security contribution base in each regime in relation to the minimum wage approved for 2023.
  • A fresh blow to legal certainty

    The repeal of the own-initiative proceeding initiated with the labor courts and related to procedures for the characterization (or otherwise) for employment purposes of certain contractual relationships, which entailed a suspension of administrative proceedings, is a hard blow to legal certainty.
  • Spain: Seven key takeaways on the pension reform

    The new law contains various measures increasing social security contributions, together with major changes to the retirement pension system.
  • Labor Newsletter - March 2023