
The merger control regime in Peru: State of play coming up to eighteen months in force

Perú - 

Roughly eighteen months ago, on June 14, 2021, Law 31112 came into force, which introduced merger control definitively in Peru, applicable across all the country's sectors of economic activity and markets; because until then it only existed for the electricity industry.  Approximately a year and a half after its implementation, together with the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Peru, we prepared a detailed report with the balance of this period of activity.

The Peruvian merger control regime is led by INDECOPI, and the components of its regulatory framework are Law 31112 and its Regulations, approved by Supreme Decree 039- 2021-PCM, as well as the Guidelines for Calculating the Notification Thresholds and others that the Antitrust Commission will continue issuing to provide better guidance to users.

The Spanish Chamber of Commerce, in conjunction with Garrigues, has drawn up this executive report to provide a straightforward and user-friendly description of the regime and of the state of play after its first steps.

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