Internal Reporting Channel

Garrigues internal reporting channel and Policy on the internal reporting system

EThe Garrigues internal reporting channel is the preferred avenue for reporting internally any potential infringements committed in a job-related or professional context, pursuant to Law 2/2023 of February 20, 2023 on the protection of persons who report breaches of the law and on combating corruption.

The channel forms part of the Garrigues internal reporting system, managed in accordance with the general principles set out in our Policy on the internal reporting system, which can be consulted here.

These principles notably include security, confidentiality, proportionality, and objectivity, with respect to the protection of participants and to the applicable legislation, as well as the need for the informant to act in good faith and in the honest belief that serious harmful events have occurred or may occur. 

Reporting via the Garrigues internal reporting channel

Reports can be submitted to the Garrigues internal reporting channel using any of the following options:   

  1. Using the form available at the following link:      
    Internal reporting channel              

    Reports submitted through this form on the Garrigues internal reporting channel may be made in writing or orally, or both.               
  2. Sending a written report to the case handler for the Garrigues internal reporting channel, at the following postal address: Garrigues, calle Hermosilla 3, 28001 Madrid (Spain).              
  3. If the informant so requests using any of the above options, the report may also be submitted at a face-to-face meeting within seven days.  

Reports received on the Garrigues internal reporting channel will be handled according to the Procedure for managing and handling reports received on the Garrigues internal reporting channel, which is attached as Schedule 1 to the Policy on the internal reporting system.

As indicated in that Procedure, reports may be made anonymously