

Publications - Labor and Employment

  • Rules regarding the special regime for debt payment to the Social Security in instalments enter into

    The State Budget Law for 2021 created a special regime for payment of debts to Social Security in instalments applicable to debts that are not under an enforcement procedure.

  • COVID-19: Extension of the exceptional and transitory work reorganization regime in Portugal

    As previously announced by the Government and notwithstanding the current "deconfinement" plan being executed, Decree-Law n.º 25-A/2021, March 30th, was published in the Portuguese Official Gazette (Diário da República), under…

  • COVID-19: Strengthening of the support measures for employees and employers in Portugal

    Without prejudice to the “deconfinement” plan being carried out, taking into account the fragile economic and financial situation in which both employees and companies find themselves, Decree-Law n.º. 23-A/2021, March 24th…

  • Portugal: The retirement age will increase to 66 years and 7 months in 2022

    Ordinance n.º 53/2021, March 10th, was published today in the Portuguese Official Gazette (“Diário da República”), which updates the normal retirement age for access to old-age pension of the Social Security system to 66 years and 7…

  • Teleworkers can now benefit from the exceptional aid for families due to the suspension of in person curricular and non-curricular activities

    It was published in the official gazette the Decree-Law no. 14-B/2021, of 22 February, which expanded the exceptional financial aid for families due to the suspension of in person curricular and non-curricular activities to teleworkers and increased…

  • New measures within the State of Emergency and amendments to the support granted to companies in Portugal

    As advanced by the Portuguese Government and in order to face the new demands of a general confinement, several legal diplomas were approved and published which resulted in (i) changes to supports already in force, and (ii) the introduction of new…

  • Minimum monthly wage increases to € 665 from January 1, 2021, onwards

    It was published in the official gazette the Decree-Law no. 109-A/2020, of 31 December, ruling the increase of the minimum monthly wage to € 665,00, with effects from January 1, 2021, onwards.

  • Portugal transposed into national law the European Directive regarding posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services

    The Decree Law 101-E/2020, of 7th December, which entered into force on 8th December 2020, one day after it was published in the Official Gazette, transposed into national law the Directive (EU) 2018/957 of The European Parliament and of…

  • Increase of work accident pensions

    It was published in the official gazette the Ordinance no. 278/2020, of December 4, increasing the work accident pensions for 2020 in 0.7%.

  • COVID-19: Implementation of the state of emergency in Portugal

    Following the declaration of state of emergency, decreed on November 6, 2020, the Decree No. 8/2020, of November 8, was published in the Official Gazette, regulating the implementation of the state of emergency declared by the President:

  • New special measures aiming to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in the portuguese labor context

  • Pension and retirement funds in Latin America: new and existing rules

    Pension fund regulations may be an incentive or deterrent when considering establishing operations in a country. This is why it is important to understand the new rules and situation of current legislation on the subject in various jurisdictions.…