

Publications - Labor and Employment

  • It was published the 15th amendment to the Labor Code and Contributory Code

    Law no. 93/2019, of September 4, was published in Diário da República, which introduced changes to the Labor Code and its Regulation, as well as to the Code of Contributory Regimes of the Social Security Social Security System and its Regulation.

  • Were published amendments to the Retirement Statute and created the New Early Retirement Scheme

    The Decree-law no. 108/2019, of 13 August published in Diário da República introduced amendments to the Retirement Statute and created the new early retirement scheme.

  • The creation of the Contract-Generation measure introduces new incentives for hiring

    On April 12, 2019 was published on Diário da República the Decree n. º 112-A/2019 that regulates the creation of the Contract-Generation measure (hereinafter “measure”), which consists on the assignment of…

  • New legal changes were introduced to the financial support program to promote employment

    It was published today in the official gazette Ordinance no. 95/2019, of March 29, introducing amendments to the “Contrato-Emprego” Program (a public program to promote the employment in Portugal, with financial support to employers…

  • These are Spain's measures to prepare for a no-deal Brexit in the fields of employment, judicial cooperation, financial services and customs

    The Spanish government has adopted a range of contingency measures to prepare for the event of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union without an agreement on March 30, 2019. They are temporary measures approved through Royal Decree-Law 5/2019…

  • Extraordinary Supplement for Pensions

    Ordinance no. 71/2019, of February 28, was published, establishing the amounts of the extraordinary supplement for pensions of disability and old age of the Social Security system.

  • Changes introduced in the Professional Internships’ Measure: promoting the insertion of young people in the labor market and the retraining of unemployed citizens

    Ordinance no. 70/2019, dated February 27, was published in the official gazette, amending the Professional Internships’ Measure (approved by Ordinance n.º 131/2017, dated of April 7). This Ordinance establishes new rules regarding the…

  • The Autonomous Region of Madeira increases the minimum wage to 615 euros

    It was published today the Regional Legislative Decree no. 1/2019/M, approving the increase of the minimum monthly wage in the Autonomous Region of Madeira.

  • Normal age of access to old-age pension in 2020

    Ordinance no. 50/2019, of February 8, was published today in the Official Gazette, foreseeing the age to accede the regular retirement pension in the Portuguese general social security system for 2020.

  • New coefficient values to be considered for determining the reference remuneration for calculating invalidity and old-age pensions

    Ordinance no. 49/2019, of February 8, was published today in the official gazette, foreseeing the coefficient values to be used to update the annual remuneration to be considered for the purposes of determining the reference remuneration that serves…

  • Update of Indexing Reference for Social Support

    It was published today in the official gazette the Ordinance no. 24/2019, of January 17, setting for the year of 2019, the indexing reference for social support in 435.76€.

  • Increase of work accident pensions

    It was published in the official gazette the Ordinance no. 23/2019, of January 17, increasing the work accident pensions for 2019 in 1.60 %.