

Publications - Labor and Employment

  • Disconnecting from work, an issue that should be regulated

  • Spain changes the dock workers regime for consistency with freedom of establishment under European law

    A draft royal decree is currently being prepared to implement the recent Royal Decree Law 8/2017, amending the regime for workers providing cargo-handling services at Spanish ports.

  • CEJ judgement regarding stand-by duty as working time

    Judgment of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in the case C-518/15 was published, in which ECJ had to define once again if stand-by time regime, where an employee has to be available to the employer, should be considered “working time…

  • New TUPE legal framework in Portugal

    Law no. 14/2018, of 19 March, was published today in the official gazette, introducing amendments to Portuguese Labor Code regarding the legal framework in cases of a transfer of undertaking, or parts of undertaking that constitute an economic…

  • Application period to public financial support on employment contracts is now open

    It has been announced by the Instituto do Emprego e da Formação Profissional, I. P. (Portuguese Employment and Professional Training Institute) the opening of the application period for the "Contrato-Emprego" measure regulated by…

  • The minimum wage is increased in Madeira to € 592,00

    It was published today the Regional Legislative Decree no. 5/2018/M, approving the increase of the minimum monthly wage in the Autonomous Region of Madeira.

  • Little by Little, Bit by Bit – The 2017/2018 Labor Reform


  • Portugal - Maritime Labor: reinforcement of seafarers’ protection

    It was published in the Official Journal of the EU the Council Directive (EU) 2018/131, of 23 January 2018, implementing the Agreement concluded by the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA) and the European Transport Workers…

  • Increase of work accident pensions

    It was published in the official gazette the Ordinance no. 22/2018, of January 18, increasing the work accident pensions for 2018 in 1,8 %.

  • Update of Indexing Reference for Social Support


  • Retirement age increase in 2019

    Ordinance no. 25/2018, of January 18, was published today, increasing the standard age to access retirement pension in the Portuguese general social security system to 66 years and 5 months.

  • ILO Convention concerning Health and Safety at Work