

Publications - Corporate and M&A

  • Cross-border bank mergers in Europe (II): The unique peculiar features of the law in each country

    Keeping our legal sight on the obstacles or difficulties for cross-border mergers which we started looking at in the previous article in this series, we cannot overlook that the laws of every state retain their own peculiar characteristics, a…

  • Cross-border bank mergers in Europe (I): Why are they not here yet?

    There has been much talk about cross-border bank mergers in Europe, but so far none have happened or appear to be imminent. A few years ago Garrigues recommended that banks watch out for them in the future. Now the European supervisors are…

  • COVID-19: New measures changing the time period for preparation and approval of financial statements and their tax consequences

    Royal Decree-Law 19/2020 states that the three-month time period for preparing financial statements and other documents required by law will start to run from June 1, 2020, and reduces the time period for approving financial statements to two months…

  • COVID-19: European Commission extends and adds flexibility to temporary framework for authorization of state aid

    On April 3, 2020 the European Commission announced  the adoption of an amendment extending and adding flexibility to the Temporary Framework adopted on March 19, 2020 to enable Member States to give State aid for research, testing and…

  • COVID-19: What precautions should companies take when processing personal data within an employment context?

    Within the context of the global spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), companies have discovered a new reality, which also raises questions within the scope of the processing of personal data, in particular the fulfillment of the General Data Protection…

  • COVID-19: Implemented regulatory solutions for the protection of the Portuguese economy

    On March 26, 2020, the Portuguese Government approved Decree-Law nº 10-J/2020 (“Moratorium Regime”), putting into practice exceptional measures for protecting families, companies and welfare institutions, in relation to…

  • COVID-19: European Commission adopts temporary framework to authorize State aid

    On March 19, 2020, the European Commission issued a communication setting out a Temporary Framework that provides for more flexible and quicker authorization of State aid granted to support the economy in the current COVID-19 outbreak. The Temporary…

  • Libra: the legal and regulatory aspects will be decisive for the new currency

    The Libra Association, founded by Facebook and 27 other organizations, intends to promote the construction of a global financial infrastructure and issue from it a new cryptocurrency called Libra, enabling operators to carry out payment transactions…

  • The first stage has begun for law transposing EU directive on the encouragement of long-term shareholder engagement

    The Ministry of Economy and Business has announced commencement of the comment period for the Preliminary Bill amending the revised Capital Companies Law, approved by Legislative Royal Decree 1/2010, of July 2, 2010 and other financial legislation,…

  • These are Spain's measures to prepare for a no-deal Brexit in the fields of employment, judicial cooperation, financial services and customs

    The Spanish government has adopted a range of contingency measures to prepare for the event of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union without an agreement on March 30, 2019. They are temporary measures approved through Royal Decree-Law 5/2019…

  • CNPD publishes model of record of processing activities

    The National Data Protection Commission has published on its website a model of record of processing activities for controllers and a model for processors, in accordance with the requirements set forth in article 30 of the General Data…

  • SIGI – New vehicle in Portugal for real estate investment

    10 main features of Portuguese REITs