


  • Portugal has approved the Voluntary Carbon Market regime

    We analyse the new Voluntary Carbon Market regime and the rules for its functioning in 10 questions.

  • Portugal: Approval of the urban pressure coefficient regarding the extraordinary contribution on local accommodation

    It was approved the urban pressure coefficient for the purpose of the assessment of the extraordinary contribution on local accommodation.

  • Portugal: Deadlines for communication of inventories, SAF-T accounting and use of invoices issued in PDF have again been extended

    The State Budget for 2024 introduces a new flexibility of the tax calendar with regard to the fulfilment of certain tax obligations.

  • Portugal: Work accident pensions increase by 6% for 2024

    The value of pensions for accidents at work is updated annually, in line with the evolution of Portuguese GDP and the CPI in Portugal.

  • Portugal: Indexing reference for social aid updated to 509,26 euro in 2024

    This index is the reference for several social security aids.

  • Portugal: Retirement age increases to 66 years and 7 months in 2025

    Considering the increase of life expectancy recorded in 2022 and 2023, the standard age to access retirement pension in the Portuguese general social security system in 2025 will increase to 66 years and 7 months.

  • Portugal transposes Directive on representative actions for the protection of consumers' interests

    This law, very much in line with the Law on Class Actions (Law no. 83/95, of 31August), strengthens the procedural means for protecting the collective interests of consumers, ensuring a high level of consumer protection in the European Union, as…

  • Portugal: Amendment to the scope of the reduced VAT rate applicable to refurbishment works

    Following the publication of the “More Housing Program”, which contains a set of tax measures, the Tax Authority clarifies the scope of the reduced VAT rate for renovation works after said law change. 

  • Portugal will raise the monthly minimum wage to 820 euros by 2024

    It was published in the official gazette Decree-Law no. 107/2023, of 17 November, ruling the increase of the minimum monthly wage, with effects from January 1, 2024, onwards.

  • Portugal: Extension until 31 December 2023 of the VAT exemption applicable to certain food products

    The VAT exemption exceptionally applicable to certain food products, previously approved by Law no. 17/2023, of 14 April,  was extended from 31 October to 31 December 2023 by Law no. 60-A/2023, of 31 October.

  • Portugal: Currency devaluation coefficients for 2023 updated

    The new currency devaluation coefficients were published to be applied to goods and rights transferred during 2023.

  • Offshore Wind Auction in Portugal: period for expressing interest in participating

    The Official State Gazette has published Announcement no. 220-A/2023 determining the opening of a period for expressions of interest to participate in the procedure for the award of offshore wind energy production rights.