


  • Rules regarding the special regime for debt payment to the Social Security in instalments enter into

    The State Budget Law for 2021 created a special regime for payment of debts to Social Security in instalments applicable to debts that are not under an enforcement procedure.

  • COVID-19: Termination of the general suspension of procedural periods and procedures in Portugal

    As a result of the improving epidemiological situation in Portugal, and in the implementation of a government strategy for gradually lifting lockdown measures adopted within the scope of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, the regime for the…

  • COVID-19: Extension of the exceptional and transitory work reorganization regime in Portugal

    As previously announced by the Government and notwithstanding the current "deconfinement" plan being executed, Decree-Law n.º 25-A/2021, March 30th, was published in the Portuguese Official Gazette (Diário da República), under…

  • COVID-19: New deferral in Portugal on the payment of VAT and IRS and IRC withholding taxes

    The Portuguese Government approved a new review to the deferral scheme foreseen for tax compliance obligations by Dispatch no. 90/2021-XXII, 16 March, which makes the tax calendar more flexible concerning the VAT payment due regarding January…

  • COVID-19: Strengthening of the support measures for employees and employers in Portugal

    Without prejudice to the “deconfinement” plan being carried out, taking into account the fragile economic and financial situation in which both employees and companies find themselves, Decree-Law n.º. 23-A/2021, March 24th…

  • NPLs and REOs in Latin America, Spain and Portugal: 2021, a year of transition for debt markets

    Debt markets continue to feel the calming — even sedative — effects of the battery of support measures rolled out to counteract the decline in business activity due to the effects of COVID-19. Jumbo deals involving non-performing loans (…

  • COVID-19: Portuguese invoices issued in PDF format used until June and February Monthly Remunerations Statement delivered by March 15

    The Portuguese Government approved a new review of the flexibility scheme on tax obligations compliance through Dispatch n.º 72/2021-XXII, of 10 March.

  • Option or changes to the tax group under the special regime for group taxation (RETGS)

    Until the 31 March 2021, the following communications must be made to the Tax and Customs Authorities, through the start-up form or change of activity form to be submitted by electronic means:

  • The new return for reporting in 2021 the extraordinary contribution on SNS suppliers was approved (Modelo 56)

    The new Model 56 statement was approved by Ordinance no. 50/2021, of 5 March, for the assessment and payment of the extraordinary contribution on suppliers of the National Health Service (“SNS”) of medical devices and medical devices for…

  • Portugal: The retirement age will increase to 66 years and 7 months in 2022

    Ordinance n.º 53/2021, March 10th, was published today in the Portuguese Official Gazette (“Diário da República”), which updates the normal retirement age for access to old-age pension of the Social Security system to 66 years and 7…

  • COVID-19: Flexibility on the payment of portuguese VAT due in December 2020 or in the last quarter of 2020 for SMEs, cultural activities, catering and accommodation services

    The Portuguese Government approved, through Dispatch n.º 52/2021-XXII, of 25 February, a new review of the payment flexibility scheme for the payment of the VAT to the State, now assessed in December 2020 by the taxpayers under monthly…

  • Teleworkers can now benefit from the exceptional aid for families due to the suspension of in person curricular and non-curricular activities

    It was published in the official gazette the Decree-Law no. 14-B/2021, of 22 February, which expanded the exceptional financial aid for families due to the suspension of in person curricular and non-curricular activities to teleworkers and increased…