


  • COVID-19: Portuguese government temporarily subjects masks and disinfectant gel to the reduced VAT rate

    As announced by the Portuguese Government, Law no. 13/2020, of 7 May, was finally published, which came into force on the day after its publication and provides for the temporary application of the following VAT measures:

  • COVID-19: The steps to follow for the return to work in Portugal

    The pandemic associated to the COVID-19 brought deep and substantial changes in the most diverse areas and sectors, having, in particular, provoked significant modification in the labor universe.

  • COVID-19: Portuguese Government approved new postponement in the fulfillment of tax obligations

    As we have been following, the Portuguese Government has approved several successive exceptional measures to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in Portugal.

  • COVID-19: Main legislative or regulatory initiatives that have been taken in Portugal

    Pandemic has entered the world’s daily vocabulary in the most dramatic and unexpected way. As the severity of the situation worsens, a growing number of legislative initiatives attempt to address the needs of citizens and society in the face…

  • COVID-19: New exceptional and temporary measures were approved for the Portuguese Justice and Courts regarding the procedure for the service of documents

    Law No 10/2020 of 18 April 2020 enacted an exceptional and temporary legal framework concerning (i) the procedure for the service of judicial documents by post provided for in the procedural laws and (ii) the parcel services, in view of…

  • The Portuguese Data Protection Authority issues guidelines for the use of distance learning enabling technologies

    The Portuguese  Data Protection Authority (CNPD, Comissão Nacional de Proteção de Dados) issued, on April 8, guidelines regarding the processing of personal data carried out through distance learning platforms driven by e-…

  • The deadline to submit the VAT periodic return of February was extended to 17 April. Electronic invoicing for public contracts is postponed to 2021

    In the context of the extraordinary measures adopted to minimize the impact of new coronavirus (COVID-19) on the Portuguese economy, the Portuguese Government decided to extend the deadline to submit the VAT periodic return of February from 10 to 17…

  • COVID-19: Exceptional measures for the Portuguese Courts and Justice Authorities

    On April 2, 2020, the Portuguese Assembly of the Republic approved Law No. 4-A/2020, dated April 6, which made the first amendment to Law No. 1-A/2020, dated March 19. The latter established various temporary and exceptional measures in…

  • COVID-19: What precautions should companies take when processing personal data within an employment context?

    Within the context of the global spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), companies have discovered a new reality, which also raises questions within the scope of the processing of personal data, in particular the fulfillment of the General Data Protection…

  • COVID-19: Portuguese Government draft bill establishes an exceptional regime for deferral of rental payments

    On March 26, 2020, the Government approved and submitted to Parliament a proposal for exceptional legislation (Draft Bill nº 21/XIV) that will allow for the deferral of the payment of rents due under lease agreements, during the emergency…

  • COVID-19: Implemented regulatory solutions for the protection of the Portuguese economy

    On March 26, 2020, the Portuguese Government approved Decree-Law nº 10-J/2020 (“Moratorium Regime”), putting into practice exceptional measures for protecting families, companies and welfare institutions, in relation to…

  • The submission of the Monthly Stamp Tax Declaration becomes mandatory only in 2021

    The Monthly Stamp Tax Declaration (“DMIS”), as well as assessment and payment obligations, are subject to changes within the scope of the implementation of extraordinary and urgent measures in response to the epidemiological situation…