


  • The deadline to submit the Stamp Tax monthly declaration of January and February of 2020 was extended to 20 April 2020

    Following the publication of the Ministerial Order no. 339/2019, 1 October, which approved the new Stamp Tax monthly declaration (“DMIS”) and corresponding filing instructions such as provided in article 52- A of the Stamp Tax Code…

  • Simplex +: Portugal simplifies invoices

    The Simplex + program aims to reduce bureaucracy and streamline the issuance and archive of invoices procedures.

  • Deadline to inform the tax authorities about the establishments where invoices are issued was extended to 30/06/2020

    As mentioned before, SIMPLEX+ Program created a new obligation of communication that VAT taxpayers have to comply, electronically, in order to inform the Portuguese tax authorities (“PTA”) about their establishments where invoices are…

  • The PTA clarify the deadline regarding the monthly communication of invoice elements

    An informative note was disclosed by the Portuguese Tax Authorities (“PTA”) regarding the monthly communication of invoice elements, which clarifies that this deadline is up to the 15th day of the following month regarding…

  • The use of certified invoicing software becomes mandatory for non-resident entities not established in Portugal just in 2021

    As announced in Order no. 254/2019.XXI, of 27 June, issued by the State Secretary for Tax Affairs, the Portuguese Tax Authorities (“PTA”) disclosed Ofício-Circulado no. 30213/2019, of 1 October, which contains some…

  • Amendments to tax legislation have been approved

    The amendments approved by Law no. 119/2019, of 18 September 2019, respects to different matters, in particular to Personal Income Tax (“PIT”), Corporate Income Tax (“CIT”) and VAT, as well as some tax procedures have…

  • Stamp Tax monthly declaration has been finally approved, to be submitted as from 2020

    Ministerial Order no. 339/2019, of October 1st, was officially published, which approves the official form of the Stamp Tax Monthly Declaration and respective filing instructions.

  • CNPD issued a Deliberation (Deliberation No. 494/2019, of September 3) stating that they will not apply some of the rules of the Portuguese Law implementing GDPR

    In order to “ensure the principle of primacy of the European Union law and the full effectiveness of the GDPR”, the Portuguese Data Protection Agency (“CNPD”)  “intends to disregard, in situations of processing of…

  • It has been amended the transfer pricing regime and the transfer pricing file obligations

    Law no.119/2019, 18 September, was officially published, which amends, among others, the transfer pricing regime, namely articles 63, 130 and 138 of the Corporate Income Tax (“CIT”) Code, which establish the transfer pricing regime, the…

  • New legislation that transfers to the Portuguese Securities Market Committee (CMVM) the powers of prudential supervision of investment management companies was published

    It was published on 24 September 2019 Decree-Law no 144/2019 which transfers from the Bank of Portugal to the Securities Market Committee (CMVM) the powers of prudential supervision of investment fund management companies and credit securitisation…

  • It was published the 15th amendment to the Labor Code and Contributory Code

    Law no. 93/2019, of September 4, was published in Diário da República, which introduced changes to the Labor Code and its Regulation, as well as to the Code of Contributory Regimes of the Social Security Social Security System and its Regulation.

  • Employee´s rights are increased by the Parenting Protection Regime

    Laws no. 90/2019 and 93/2019, of September 4, were published in Diário da República, which introduced the following amendments regarding the parenting protection regime: