


  • Contingency measures have been adopted by the Portuguese Council of Ministers in the event of a no-deal Brexit

    As already adopted by other EU member states, on 12 September 2019 contingency measures were approved by the Portuguese Council of Ministers and should be applied to credit institutions, investment companies and management entities with head office…

  • The new Securitisation Law implements the general framework for securitisation and the specific framework for STS (simple, transparent and standardised) securitisation

    On the 28th of August 2019 the law implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2402 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 12 December 2017 (“Regulation”), laying down a general framework for securitisation and creating a specific…

  • Were published amendments to the Retirement Statute and created the New Early Retirement Scheme

    The Decree-law no. 108/2019, of 13 August published in Diário da República introduced amendments to the Retirement Statute and created the new early retirement scheme.

  • News regarding the IES of 2019 and the submission of SAFT-T (PT) accounting file

    Entities which cease their activity until 31 July 2019 shall apply the model of 2018 for the IES of 2019 and the deadline to submit SAFT-T (PT) accounting file was extended until 31 May 2020

  • The deadline for the IES submission has been extended to 17 July 2019

    Order no. 271/2019.XXI, of Secretary of State for Tax Affairs, was published in the Tax Authorities' website, which extends the deadline of the Annual Accounting Information (“IES”) submission regarding fiscal year of 2018, ended in…

  • Portuguese Data Protection Authority increased number of inspections and global amount of fines applied

    The Portuguese Data Protection Authority (Comissão Nacional de Proteção de Dados or CNPD) published, on 23 April 2019, its 2017-2018 activity report. This report provide us an overview of CNPD’s activities during the year of 2017 and two…

  • The creation of the Contract-Generation measure introduces new incentives for hiring

    On April 12, 2019 was published on Diário da República the Decree n. º 112-A/2019 that regulates the creation of the Contract-Generation measure (hereinafter “measure”), which consists on the assignment of…

  • Enactment of the Simplified Legal Regime for the Assignment of Credit Portfolios

    In the context of the Capitalizar (Capitalize) Program – which has already implemented several changes to Portugal’s legal system – the new simplified legal regime for assignment of credit portfolios was enacted on 28…

  • New legal changes were introduced to the financial support program to promote employment

    It was published today in the official gazette Ordinance no. 95/2019, of March 29, introducing amendments to the “Contrato-Emprego” Program (a public program to promote the employment in Portugal, with financial support to employers…

  • PTA clarifies some amendments introduced by the SIMPLEX + Program

    Ruling no. 30211, of 15 March, was disclosed by the Portuguese Tax Authorities, clarifying the extension of some amendments introduced in the Portuguese VAT Code by the Decree-Law no. 28/2019, of 15 February, under the SIMPLEX + Program.

  • CIT - The PTA clarify the scope of the waiver of Special Payment on Account applicable in FY2019

    Ruling no. 20208, of 18 March 2019, was disclosed by the Portuguese Tax Authorities (“PTA”), which clarifies the scope of the waiver of Special Payment on Account (“PEC”) foreseen in article 106 (11) (e) of the Portuguese…

  • CIT - Special Payment on Account to be paid until the end of March

    The deadline to deliver the special payment on account (“PEC”) regarding fiscal year 2019 ends on 31 March for taxable persons resident within the Portuguese territory engaged primarily in a commercial, industrial or agricultural…