The deadline to execute the communications to be made under the Special Regime for Group Taxation (RETGS) ends in the end of March
Until the 31 March 2019, the following communications must be made to the Tax and Customs Authorities, through the start-up form or change of activity form to be submitted by electronic means.
SIMPLEX + program approves new invoicing rules
Decree-Law no. 28/2019, of 15 February, was officially published, within the framework of the SIMPLEX + program, in order to promote the dematerialisation and reduce over-bureaucratisation in the emission and archiving of invoices, namely,…
Changes in laws limit flexibility in commercial rental market in Portugal
Recent amendments to the urban lease regime set forth limitations as regards duration and extension of commercial leases, as well as on termination by the lessor, bringing back a higher level of regulation to the rental market with the objective of…
Changes introduced in the Professional Internships’ Measure: promoting the insertion of young people in the labor market and the retraining of unemployed citizens
Ordinance no. 70/2019, dated February 27, was published in the official gazette, amending the Professional Internships’ Measure (approved by Ordinance n.º 131/2017, dated of April 7). This Ordinance establishes new rules regarding the…
Extraordinary Supplement for Pensions
Ordinance no. 71/2019, of February 28, was published, establishing the amounts of the extraordinary supplement for pensions of disability and old age of the Social Security system.
It has been approved the Regime of communication of financial information of beneficiaries residing in Portugal
Law no. 17/2019, was officially published, which approves the Regime of Communication of Financial Information, amending the Decree-law no. 64/2016, of 11 of October, and the Decree-Law no. 61/2013, related with the mandatory automatic exchange of…
The Autonomous Region of Madeira increases the minimum wage to 615 euros
It was published today the Regional Legislative Decree no. 1/2019/M, approving the increase of the minimum monthly wage in the Autonomous Region of Madeira.
It was approved the Double Taxation Agreement between the Portuguese Republic and the Republic of Angola
Parliament Resolution no. 23/2019, was officially published, which approves the Double Taxation Agreement between the Portuguese Republic and the Republic of Angola for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with…
New coefficient values to be considered for determining the reference remuneration for calculating invalidity and old-age pensions
Ordinance no. 49/2019, of February 8, was published today in the official gazette, foreseeing the coefficient values to be used to update the annual remuneration to be considered for the purposes of determining the reference remuneration that serves…
Normal age of access to old-age pension in 2020
Ordinance no. 50/2019, of February 8, was published today in the Official Gazette, foreseeing the age to accede the regular retirement pension in the Portuguese general social security system for 2020.
The taxpayers covered by the automatic income tax return have been established
Order no. 1/2019 of 4 February, was officially published, which establishes the taxpayers covered by the automatic income tax return, in accordance with article 58-A of the Portuguese Personal Income Tax (PIT) Code.
It was approved the right to compensatory interests for the payment arising from rules declared unconstitutional or illegal
Law no. 9/2019 of 1 February, was officially published, which amends the General Taxation Law (“LGT”), that was approved by the Decree-Law no. 398/98, of 17 December.