


  • CIT – Extension of the deadline for the submission of form “Modelo 22”

    Order no.º 132/2018 XXI, of 9 April, was disclosed in the Portuguese Tax Authorities' website, extending the deadline for delivery of the periodical income form "Modelo 22", regarding fiscal year 2017, from 31 May to 30 June 2018…

  • New IRS Model 3 Declaration for the year of 2018

    Following the approval, by Ordinance no. 385-H/2017, of 29 December, of the new model forms of the Model 3 Declaration and respective filling instructions, to be used from 2018 and to declare the income received as from 2015, the Tax Authority…

  • Reduction of Special Payment on Account in 2018

    An information note was published by the Tax and Customs Authority, which clarifies the conditions applicable to the reduction of the “PEC” related to the taxation period of 2018, provided for in Law no. 10-A/2017, of…

  • CEJ judgement regarding stand-by duty as working time

    Judgment of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in the case C-518/15 was published, in which ECJ had to define once again if stand-by time regime, where an employee has to be available to the employer, should be considered “working time…

  • New declaration form “Modelo 40” for the reporting of payments through ATM and other electronic means

    Ordinance no. 64/2018, of 5 March was published today, which approves the new declaration form and respective filling instructions called “Modelo 40 - Value of Payment Flows”, through which credit institutions, financial companies…

  • RERE: Deduction of irrecoverable debts

    Last Saturday the new Extra-judicial Regime for Corporate Recovery ("RERE"), created by Law no. 8/2018, of 2 March, came into force. This initiative is inserted in a government’s program to promote investment and strengthen the…

  • Application period to public financial support on employment contracts is now open

    It has been announced by the Instituto do Emprego e da Formação Profissional, I. P. (Portuguese Employment and Professional Training Institute) the opening of the application period for the "Contrato-Emprego" measure regulated by…

  • New TUPE legal framework in Portugal

    Law no. 14/2018, of 19 March, was published today in the official gazette, introducing amendments to Portuguese Labor Code regarding the legal framework in cases of a transfer of undertaking, or parts of undertaking that constitute an economic…

  • Municipal surtax: applicable rates in 2018 disclosed

    Ruling no. 20198/2018, of 21 January, was disclosed, which contains information regarding the municipal surtax rates applicable in 2018, regarding the tax period of 2017. 

  • The minimum wage is increased in Madeira to € 592,00

    It was published today the Regional Legislative Decree no. 5/2018/M, approving the increase of the minimum monthly wage in the Autonomous Region of Madeira.

  • CRS - List of participating jurisdictions

    Ordinance no. 58/2018, of 27 February, was officially published, amending Ordinance no. 302-D/2016, of 2 December, concerning the participating jurisdictions for purposes of the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) referred to in Article 2 (6) of…

  • Gains on sales of bitcoins are not taxed under Portuguese tax law

    Tax Portugal Newsletter - January 2018