Portugal: CIT - Declaration form "Modelo 22"
Order n.º 2608/2017, of 29 de março of the Secretary of State for Fiscal Affairs was officially published, which approves the amendments to the periodical income form "Modelo" 22, respective appendixes and filling instructions.
"Contrato-Emprego" Program
It has been published in the Portuguese Official Gazette the Ordinance no. 34/2017, of January 18th, which regulates the creation of the "Contrato-Emprego" measure consisting on the granting of a financial support, under certain…
Budget Law - Portugal 2016 - Garrigues Summary - Shifting Sands
The Budget Law for 2016 (Law n.º 7-A/2016) was published on 30 of March 2016. The Budget Law provides for several tax measures impacting on areas that range from corporate tax, indirect taxes, real estate taxes and personal income tax.…
Portugal: Budget Bill for 2016 - Garrigues Summary - Shifting Sands
The Budget Bill for 2016 was presented to the Parliament on 5 February 2016. The Budget Bill provides for several tax measures impacting on areas that range from corporate tax, indirect taxes, real estate taxes and personal income tax.…