Santiago de Chile
+56 2 29419000
Claudio Moraga is Of Counsel in the Public Law Department of Garrigues, in Santiago, Chile. He practices in areas of administrative law, sectoral regulation, public purchases, concessions, works execution contracts. He also deals with the direction of contentious administrative actions and constitutional actions before ordinary, special and arbitration courts. He has extensive experience regularly advising public works concessionaire companies, construction firms and consultants, in contractual and strategic matters. He has a degree in legal and social sciences from the University of Chile, magister rerum publicarum and Dr. iuris from the German University of Administrative Sciences in Speyer. He is an associate professor of Administrative Law at the Law School of the University of Chile.
He entered the office on January 1, 2019 as Of Counsel.
He has extensive experience in public tenders, strategic development of public contracts, advice to companies in their relations with the public sector, sectoral regulations.
He provides advice on regulatory, administrative, concession and public procurement matters. He also leads judicial and arbitration defenses in the exercise of constitutional, sanctioning and contentious administrative actions.
He speaks Spanish, German and English.
Academic background
- In 1991 he obtained a Bachelor's degree in Legal and Social Sciences from the University of Chile. That same year, he qualified as a lawyer (a title granted by the E. Supreme Court).
- In 1994 he finished the magister rerum publicarum at the German University of Administrative Sciences in Speyer.
- In 2020 he received the title of Doctor of Law from the German University of Administrative Sciences in Speyer.
Teaching activity
Since 2000, he has been teaching Administrative Law at the Law School of the University of Chile. At the undergraduate level, he also teaches the specialized course on Public Procurement. In postgraduate, he teaches the courses of Formal Activity of the State Administration and Institutional Design.
He is visiting professor at the Universidad de Los Andes (Santiago) and the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.
He is a member of:
- A.G. Bar Association.
- Chilean Chamber of Construction.
- Ibero-American Forum on Administrative Law.
- Public Liberties A.G.
- International Association of Administrative Law.
- International network “Public contracts in Legal Globalization”.
- Honorary member of the Mexican Association of Administrative Law.
Band 4 in Public Law in Legal500
- Administrative Contracts and Arbitration in Chile: between evolution and involution, in State Contracts, Arbitration and Administrative Law, Tirant lo Blanch, Bogotá 2022.
- Digitization and the future of Public Mobility Services, in "Demands of Administrative Law of the XXI Century", La Ley, Montevideo 2021.
- Covid and administrative tensions (from prevention in Chile), in "Administrative Intervention in the Prevention of Health Risks in Latin America", Colex A Coruña 2021.
- Die Entparlamentarisierung der Rechtsetzung Chiles (Im Lichte des Verfassungsrechts und der Verfassungspraxis), LIT Verlag, Münster 2020. • "Administrative Contracting". Thomson Reuters, Santiago 2019.
- Right to good administration in Chile, in “Studies on Good Administration in Latin America”. Venezuelan legal editorial, Caracas 2017.
- The functional (or material) conceptualization of the XXI Century Public Administration (the contribution of Professor Rolando Pantoja Bauzá), in "Administrative Law in Latin America", Editorial Jurídica de Chile, Santiago, 2016.
- Origins of Chilean Administrative Law, in "Essays on Administrative Law", Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogotá 2016.
- The Social Function of the Chilean Administrations, in "Social Function of the Administration", Grupo Editorial Ibáñez, Bogotá 2016.
- Evolution of Administrative Justice in Chile in Administrative Litigation in Latin America, University of Puerto Rico 2015.
- The power of organization in Chile, in "The protection of rights against the power of the administration", Editorial Temis, Bogotá 2014.
- Public interest organizations in Chile and their formal insertion within the State administration, in “Proceedings of Administrative Law Congresses. Editorial Sergio Arboleda University, Santa Marta 2014.