


México: New requirements to renew the registration in the Registry of Providers of Specialized Services or Works

Mexico - 

Individuals or legal entities registered in the Registry of Providers of Specialized Services or Works must renew their registration each three years.

On February 21st, 2024, an amendment to the regulations for the registration of individuals or entities who provide specialized services or specialized works referred to in Article 15 of the Federal Labor Law, was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation.

The amendments made by the Mexican Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare are connected to the obligations of the individual or legal entities that are registered in the Public Registry of Providers of Specialized Services or Works (REPSE) to process their renewal of registration each three years after the date of their registration, which must be processed within a period of three months prior to the date on which the validity of registration expires.

The main amendments – in force as from February 22, 2024- are the following:

1. New requirements to obtain the renewal of the registration in REPSE.

  • Applicants must register in the REPSE the specific activities to be performed by them.
  • Applicants must be up to date in their tax and social obligations with the Mexican Revenue Service, Social Security Institute and INFONAVIT, at the time of applying for renewal.
  • During the renewal process, the applicants must need to precisely establish the services to provide or the type of work they wish to execute. Likewise, applicants must provide information and documentation related to training, certifications, permits and licenses that regulate the activity, equipment’s, technologies, assets, share capital, machinery, level of risk, average salary range, experience, among other.
  • For individuals, the activity to be registered must be included in their Tax Status Certificate.

2. A new process to obtain the registration and renewal in the REPSE was established:

  • In case of renewal, an entry folio will be provided to follow-up on the application status, and the Ministry of Labor must resolve after 20 business days; if such authority does not issue a resolution timely, the applicant may request the issuance of the renewal certificate within three business days following the submission of the latter request; is the Ministry of Labor does not respond within the 3 business days following the request, the renewal will be deemed completed.
  • Once these requirements have been completed, the Ministry of Laboral will carry out the renewal in the REPSE by issuing a renewal certificate containing the registration number and the activity folio number for each service or specialized work registered.
  • The 3 years of validity of the registration certificate will start from the initial date of registration in the REPSE, regardless of whether an update or modification has been made to the registration.

3. For the renewal process, a module called “Registration Renewal” was enabled within the platform, that allows the applicant to execute the process within the 3 months prior to the month of expiration of the original registration.

4. If the renewal process is not completed within the period set forth above, the registration will be cancelled, and a new registration process must be carried out.

5. Finally, the beneficiaries of the specialized services or works must be informed about the renewal of the registration with the REPSE.