
We are protagonists of the legal and business reality of each country in which we are present

  • Garrigues, 'highly recommended' in the area of Information Tecnologies and e-business

    The international publication Practical Law Company has just published its annual ‘Communications PLC Which Lawyer’ report, which highlights the best lawyers and law firms in two areas: Information Technologies & e-business and…

  • Garrigues: leader in dispute resolution according to 'plc which lawyer'

    The international publication Practical Law Company recently published its annual ‘PLC Which Lawyer’ report on Dispute Resolution (Litigation and Arbitration). For the second year running in Spain, Garrigues was named the top Spanish firm in this…

  • Garrigues Study Center and British Council reach a collaboration agreement

    The Garrigues Study Center has reached an agreement with the British Council which will enable its students to perfect their English while studying Masters programs. Native teachers from the prestigious British institution will give specialized…

  • Garrigues y adefam firman un acuerdo de patrocinio

    La Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Empresa Familiar de Madrid, ADEFAM, firmó el pasado miércoles día 16 de marzo un acuerdo de patrocinio y colaboración con el despacho de abogados Garrigues para los próximos tres años. Por este acuerdo…

  • Garrigues Chair in Global Law celebrates its second anniversary

    La Cátedra Garrigues de Derecho Global cumple hoy su segundo aniversario. Con motivo de esta celebración, su director, Rafael Domingo, ha querido hacer balance de los logros alcanzados en estos dos años. “El crecimiento que ha experimentado la…

  • Guía práctica para afrontar las declaraciones fiscales

    (08/03/05) El periódico Expansión lanza hoy un nuevo manual práctico que pretende ayudar a los profesionales y empresarios a que afronten de una manera sencilla la primera declaración trimestral del Impuesto de las Personas Físicas (IRPF) y del…

  • Creation of Taxand, the first independent global tax alliance

    (07/03/05) The first global tax alliance has just been created by independent specialized tax firms* in 9 countries worldwide (France, Germany, India, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the USA) with 658 professionals (111…

  • Antonio garrigues analiza las oportunidades laborales de los juristas

    (02/03/05) Antonio Garrigues pronunciará hoy en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, una conferencia titulada "Oportunidades profesionales: Abogado de empresa, asesor fiscal y asesor financiero y de banca privada". En ella, analizará la situación…

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