

Publications - Tax

  • Spain: The DGT allows credits for environmental investment to be claimed without modifying the self-assessments for the years in which the investments were made

    In a recent binding ruling, the DGT has relaxed its position and allowed environmental credits to be claimed within the maximum application period of 15 years, even where the investments were made in years that have already been inspected.

  • Moving towards harmonized Corporate Income Tax in the European Union: will it be third time lucky?

    The BEFIT Directive will be compulsory for groups whose consolidated revenues, for at least two of the preceding four years, have reached 750 million euros. It regulates in detail, among other aspects, the manner of determining the common tax base…

  • Tax Newsletter - January 2024

    We analyze the main news, judgments, resolutions and regulations in the latest issue of the Tax Newsletter.

  • Portugal: PTA has decided that Advance Pricing Agreements are the suitable mechanism to determine the transfer pricing method and the arm's lengh pricing, under intragroup service agreements

    The Portuguese Tax Authorities (PTA) decided, in the context of a Binding Information Request (PIV) –Case no. 22442–, that this is not the appropriated approach for determining the transfer pricing method nor the arm’s length pricing between…

  • Garrigues Sustainable Newsletter - January 2024

    In this newsletter we compile the most relevant legal news on ESG matters in Spain, published by Garrigues.

  • Portugal: The average construction value per square meter is maintained for 2024

    This value of 532 euros applies to all urban properties whose Model 1 forms are delivered since 1 January 2024.

  • Colombia: Main recurring legal obligations that companies must comply – First Semester 2024

    In Colombia, all companies must comply with certain corporate, tax and labor obligations during the calendar year. In this document we highlight the main obligations of the first semester of 2024.

  • China’s first attempt for Advance Tax Ruling: trail implementation in Shanghai

    Shanghai introduces a trial Advance Tax Ruling (ATR) system, a significant step in China's tax administration. ATR, common in countries like Spain and the U.S., allows enterprises to seek formal tax opinions on future complex tax matters, enhancing…

  • Tax Newsletter - December 2023

    A comprehensive compilation of the main new developments in tax matters in Spain.

  • Portugal: Approval of the urban pressure coefficient regarding the extraordinary contribution on local accommodation

    It was approved the urban pressure coefficient for the purpose of the assessment of the extraordinary contribution on local accommodation.

  • 2024: main new legislation needing to be considered by companies in Spain

    Professionals in the various practice areas at Garrigues take a look, from all angles of business law, at the main new legislation that companies will face in the coming year.

  • Spain - Tax incentives for patronage: higher personal income tax credits and corporate income tax credits

    Plus, for gifts, the giver can receive goods or services from the recipient which are token in nature, and for collaboration agreements, the economic support can be in cash or in kind or consist of supplies of services where they are part of the…