

Publications - Technology, Communications and Digital

  • Portugal: These were the data protection highlights in 2019

    Undoubtedly, 2019 was a busy year in the area of privacy. In Portugal, the GDPR Enforcement Law was approved and the Portuguese Authority (CNPD) took the controversial decision of “disregarding” some of the respective rules. The EDPB and…

  • CNPD publishes model of record of processing activities

    The National Data Protection Commission has published on its website a model of record of processing activities for controllers and a model for processors, in accordance with the requirements set forth in article 30 of the General Data…

  • The Parliament and the Council approve the Regulation to end geo-blocking

    On May 25, 2016 the European Commission adopted a proposal for a Regulation to combat geographical blocking practices (geo-blocking) as part of its strategy to achieve a Digital Single Market. The three main objectives of this initiative are: to…

  • Barcelona’s courts are standing by to protect innovation during the Mobile World Congress

  • Countdown to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

    On May 25 2016, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became mandatory, having been published in the Official Journal of the European Union three weeks earlier. The regulation established a term of two years within which members states and…

  • Will the General Data Protection Regulation make business cards a thing of the past?

    It is believed that business cards, such a 20th century phenomenon, were first used in China back in the 15th century and that they had reached Europe by the 17th century. Despite their antiquity, they nevertheless continue to play an important role…

  • Business incubators and accelerators… Which one does your startup need?

    In general, the terms “accelerator” and “incubator” are used synonymously, although they refer to different concepts with distinct purposes and processes. In order to be able to understand how an incubator or accelerator can…

  • Publication of the European General Regulation on Data Protection and parallel Directives

    On May 4, having been several years in the making, the Official Journal of the European Union finally published the regulatory instruments forming the new European framework for personal data protection, namely:

  • New framework for international data transfers from the EU to the US

    On October 6, 2015 the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) declared invalid the so-called Safe Harbor agreement, under which international transfers are made from the European Union to the United States. 

  • The European Court of Justice invalidates the US data transfer deal

    The Court of Justice of the European Union has declared the invalidity of the international US data transfer scheme known as US Safe Harbor. According to the Court, it violates individuals’ privacy. The decision has had a significant impact on…

  • Approval of the 2013-2015 Digital Agenda

    The Spanish Council of Ministers approved the 2013-2015 Digital Agenda for Spain on Friday, February 15, 2013, setting out the road map for compliance with the objectives of the Digital Agenda for Europe in 2015 and 2020 and containing specific…