

Publications - Corporate and M&A

  • Regime of a balanced representation of women and men in the management and supervisory bodies of the public sector entities and listed companies

    Yesterday was published the Law no. 62/2017, of 1st August, which approves and established the regime of a balanced representation of women and men in the management and supervisory bodies of the public sector entities and listed companies, which…

  • Technical Guide 3/2017 on audit committees at public-interest entities

    On June 27, 2017 the Spanish Securities Market Commission (“CNMV”) approved a Technical Guide (the “Technical Guide” and “the Guide”) on audit committees at public-interest entities (“PIEs”) to provide…

  • Approval of the appropriation regime applicable to commercial pledges

    On 26 June, the regime applicable to the appropriation of the pledged asset under a commercial pledge agreement was approved by Decree-Law no. 75/2017, of 26 June 2017. 

  • China Legal Update Newsletter - June 2017

    A brief on the latest prc laws and regulations issued by the relevant authorities.

  • Prohibition on the issuance of bearer securities

    Prohibition on the issuance of bearer securities – entry into force of Law no.15/2017, of 3 May, which prohibits the issuance of bearer securities and foresees the creation of a transitional regime for the conversion of the existing…

  • China Legal Update Newsletter - April 2017

    A brief on the latest prc laws and regulations issued by the relevant authorities.

  • China Legal Update Newsletter - March 2017

    A brief on the latest prc laws and regulations issued by the relevant authorities.

  • China Legal Update Newsletter - January 2017

    A brief on the latest prc laws and regulations issued by the relevant authorities.

  • Colombia: Resolution 90556 of December 29, 2016

    The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, by means of Resolution 90556 of December 29, 2016, reduced the thresholds that must be taken into consideration in order to trigger merger control procedures.

  • China Legal Update Newsletter - December 2016

    A brief on the latest prc laws and regulations issued by the relevant authorities.

  • China Legal Updates Newsletter - November 2016

    A brief on the latest prc laws and regulations issued by the relevant authorities.

  • China Legal Updates Newsletter (2) - October 2016

    A brief on the latest prc laws and regulations issued by the relevant authorities.